
The search and filter options on the Bundles page allow you to refine the list of bundles or find a specific bundle.

To search for a specific bundle, do the following:

  1. In the left menu, click Catalog Connector > List > Bundles.
    The Bundles page is displayed.

  2. To search for a bundle, in the search bar, type a search term and press Enter.

The results are displayed.

To filter the list of bundles, do the following:

  1. In the left menu, click Catalog Connector > List > Bundles.
    The Bundles page is displayed.

  2. Choose at least one of the following filters:

    • Click the Date dropdown and select a date range for the date the bundles were created or the date the bundles were modified.
    • Click the Attributes & Values dropdown, and do the following:
      • Enter an attribute name in the Attribute field.
      • Select a validation option.
      • Enter a value in the Value field.
      • To add more conditions, click Add new condition and enter the required values.

Bundles that match the filters you chose are displayed.

You can remove all filters by clicking Reset all.