Create shipping details for all items specific cart
Create shipping details for all items in a specified cart. Shipping details are identified by a unique shippingDetailsId
, and include the shipment’s delivery address, shipment method, pickup persons’ details, warehouse ID, store ID, and more.
The x-site-context
header is a JSON object that contains information about the source you wish to pull from. The mandatory account
is the 24 character identifier found in Copilot. The channel
(Sales channel ID), stage
(environment name), and date
attributes can be used to further narrow the scope of your data source.
"{\"date\": \"2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\", \"channel\": 12, \"account\": \"1234abcd5678efgh9ijklmno\",\"stage\":\"production\"}"
API Key for Gateway
Authorization token for the user
Path Parameters
ID of cart for which shipping data is being created
Request body used to create shipping details for a cart
Shipping type
Shipping method
Shipping address
Shipping tax code
true: Item is set for pickup<br />false: Item is set for delivery
Alternative pickup person
Designated pickup person
Warehouse ID
Store ID
Estimated date for shipping
Estimated date for delivery
Store ID
"Additional user instructions for shipping"
Shipping response body
Shipping details ID
Cart ID
Shipping details creation time
Last time shipping details were updated
Shipping method and details
Shipping address
Shipping type
Shipping tax code
true: Item is set for pickup<br />false: Item is set for delivery
Alternative pickup person
Designated pickup person
Warehouse ID
Store ID
Estimated date for shipping
Estimated date for delivery
Store ID
"Additional user instructions for shipping"