Cancel Rewards
Loyalty points that are converted into reward certificates have an expiration date. Members can cancel their rewards if they are unable to use them before expiration or do not want to use them. The endpoint converts the rewards back into points, for future use.
Note: Once the reward is redeemed, it cannot be cancelled. If the member cancels or returns an order, the rewards are reversed back to points using the Reverse Redeemed Reward
endpoint - POST v1/redeem/reverse.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Details to cancel reward
Redemption code. This code must be specified. It is used to identify and link the rewards used in a specific transaction. This code is generated in the response of the Issue Variable Rewards
endpoint - POST /api/v1/redeem/reward/issue.
Profile ID of the member. In an ecosystem, it acts as a primary ID to keep the various systems (apps, websites, etc.) in sync.
Representative who cancelled the audit.
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