Authentication v1
- Identity APIs
- User
- Address
- Auth
User Self Service APIs
- Introduction
- User Self Service APIs
- Authentication APIs
Experiences v2 (XM v2)
- XM
- Pages
- Global Components
- Menu
Experiences v1 (XM v1)
- XM
- Pages
- Global Components
- Menu
Product Catalog
- Product Catalog
- Category
- Product
- Attributes
- Bulk Import
Orders v2 (OMS v2)
- Order Management System
- Order
- Order Attribute
- Developer Guide
- Order Return
- Payment Status
- Package Tracking
- Cross Border
- Order Cancellation
- Appeasement
- Allocation
- Configuration
- Fraud Configuration
- Target Configuration
- Location
- Location Attribute
- Inventory Network
- Inventory
- Inventory Counter
- Inventory Bulk Operation
- Inventory Attribute
- Inventory Upload Log
- Shipment
- Shipping Method
- Webhook
- Notification
- Export
- Invoice
- Fraud
- Backorder Preorder Reservation
- List
Orders v1 (OMS v1)
- Order Management System
- Cart
- Bill To
- Ship To
- Wishlist
- Cart Decoupled
- Warehouse
- Inventory
- Attributes
- List
- Tax/Address Validate
- Shipping
- Payments
- Order
Offers v2
- Offers
- Developer Guide
- Promotion
- Price Kind
- Dynamic Pricing Engine
- Segment
- Coupon
- Coupon Codes
- Product
- Price List
- Attributes
- Item
- Price Guard
- Global Exclusion
- Upload Price CSV
- Pricing
- Redemption
- Exports
Offers v1
- Offers
- Login API
- Promotions
- Pricing
Subscriptions (SMT API)
- Subscriptions API
- Cancellation Reasons
- Subscription Discounts
- Subscriptions
- Subscribers
- Orders
Loyalty (Member)
- Member APIs
- Inquire
- Discounts
- Redeem
- Earn
- Members
- Dropship API
- Shipments
- Products
- Invoices
- Connections
- Inventory
- Developer Guide
- Returns
- Orders
Cart API
- Cart
- Order Draft
- Attribute
- Adjustments
- Shipping
- Cart
Checkout API
- Checkout
- Checkout
- Core Concepts
- Customer Service
- Organization
- User Party
- Organization Group Addresses
- User Internal Party
- Organization Contracts
- Party
- Party Contracts
- Contracts
- User
- Search
- User Trait
- Organization Users
- Address
- User Address
- Trait
- Party Address
- Party Trait
- Organization Group Users
- Internal Party
- Contract Pricelist
- Internal Parties Party
- Account
- Party Account
- Organization Addresses
- Organization Groups
- Individual Addresses
- Users Organization
- Individual
Activate gift card
Activates gift cards (or coupons) added by shoppers during shipment creation.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-site-context: <x-site-context>' \
--data '{
"shipmentId": "78974156816152",
"items": [
"itemId": "100023",
"sku": "SKU0023",
"channelId": "12",
"orderId": "<string>",
"orderNumber": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"lineItemId": "1",
"giftCard": [
"giftCardNum": "453456765",
"giftCardStatus": "ACTIVE"
"shipmentId": "627963716b19511e8a3a631b",
"shipmentNum": "78974156816152",
"invoiceId": "5674156816152",
"allocationId": "112345678912340",
"orderNumber": [
"poNumber": "1125",
"vendorId": "56",
"statusCode": "SHIPPED",
"type": "STANDARD",
"reshipmentReasonCode": "Order went missing",
"shipDate": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"locationNum": "132412",
"locationType": "DC",
"totalCartons": 2,
"masterTrackingNumber": "TX112345678",
"shipToId": "1",
"shipToAddress": {
"addressLine1": "888 Broadway",
"addressLine2": "505 suite",
"addressLine3": "<string>",
"addressLine4": "<string>",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"country": "USA",
"postalCode": "1003",
"type": "home",
"latitude": 134.13413,
"longitude": 757.0435
"recipient": [
"name": {
"first": "John",
"middle": "<string>",
"last": "Doe"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": 10612345678,
"type": "MOBILE"
"cartons": [
"cartonNum": "1",
"cartonType": "Package",
"promisedDeliveryDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-05-25T07:58:30.996Z",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"shipmentMethod": "ground",
"shipmentCarrier": "FEDEX",
"weight": "500 gram",
"trackingNumber": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"trackingURL": "",
"trackingDetails": [
"event": "picked up",
"eventId": "627963716b19511e8a3a631b",
"timestamp": "2019-09-30T07:58:30.996Z",
"shipmentCarrier": "FEDEX",
"location": "Reno, NV",
"notes": {}
"items": [
"shipmentLineItemId": "607f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"orderId": "317736896",
"orderNumber": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"lineItemId": "1",
"itemId": "100023",
"sku": "SKU0023",
"channelId": "12",
"segment": null,
"vendorId": "56",
"orderedQuantity": 2,
"shippedQuantity": 2,
"returnQuantity": 1,
"returnAmount": 10,
"fees": [
"type": "tax",
"value": 34.56,
"quantity": 12,
"refundAmount": 10.4
"giftCard": [
"giftCardNum": "453456765",
"amount": 50,
"giftCardStatus": "ACTIVE",
"giftCardActiveRequestDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"giftCardActiveDate": "2022-06-26T07:58:30.996Z"
"attributes": {},
"uom": null
"scratchedItems": [
"orderId": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
"lineItemId": "2",
"itemId": "100043",
"sku": "SKU00043",
"quantity": 1,
"reasonCode": "<string>",
"subReasonCode": "<string>",
"attributes": {},
"uom": null
"createdAt": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"auditLogs": [
"auditType": "create",
"employeeId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94",
"auditTimestamp": "2022-05-12T09:24:54.804Z",
"source": "POS",
"note": "Note",
"attributes": {},
"updatedFields": [
"attributeName": "UOM",
"attributeOriginalValue": "PK"
"attributes": {}
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
The x-site-context
header is a JSON object that contains information about the source you wish to pull from. The mandatory account
is the 24 character identifier found in Copilot. The channel
(Sales channel ID), stage
(environment name), and date
attributes can be used to further narrow the scope of your data source.
Details of gift card associated with shipment
Shipment ID
Item ID
Item SKU
Sales channel ID
Order ID (fabric-generated)
Order number. It's usually generated by another system, such as an external checkout system.
Line item ID to identify item in the order
Shipment details
24-character fabric-generated unique ID of shipment
Shipment number (external)
fabric-generated Invoice ID
Allocation ID for an order, generated from allocation service
Order number. It's usually generated by another system, such as an external checkout system.
Purchase order number (generally, vendor-generated)
Vendor ID
Shipment status code
shipment type
Reason code for reshipment
Time of shipping
location number from location service to get exact address.
Location type based on location service such as store, distribution center (DC)
Total number of cartons
Main tracking number, to track fulfillment of all the orders
Ship-to ID refers to item's delivery address
Details of delivery address
Line 1 of address
Line 2 of address
Line 3 of address
Line 3 of address
City of delivery
State of delivery
Country name
Postal code
Address type
Geo-latitude of delivery address
Geo-longitude of delivery address
Email address of primary contact for delivery
Carton number to identify packages
Cartoon type
Promised delivery date
Estimated shipping date
Estimated delivery date
Shipment method
Shipment carrier
Shipment weight
Courier tracking number for the carton
Shipment tracking URL
Shipment tracking details
Event status
24-character system-generated unique event ID
Time of event creation
Shipment carrier name. Applicable in case of a different carrier
Current location
Item details
Line item ID of shipment
Order ID (fabric-generated)
Order number. It's usually generated by another system, such as an external checkout system.
Line item ID to identify item in the order
Item ID
SKU of item
Sales channel ID
Segment associated with item
Vendor ID
Items ordered. Currently, there is no validation in place
Items shipped
Items returned
Return amount
Gift card number
Gift card amount
Gift card status
Time of placing gift card activation request
Time of gift card activation
Unit of measure
details of scratched items
Order ID (fabric-generated)
Line item ID to identify item in the order
Item ID
SKU number
Item quantity
Reason code for return
sub-reason code for return
Additional details of scratched item
Unit of measure
Time of shipment creation
Time of last update
Details of audit logs
Audit type
Employee ID (store context)
Time of audit
Source of audit
Notes related audit, for future reference
Was this page helpful?
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-site-context: <x-site-context>' \
--data '{
"shipmentId": "78974156816152",
"items": [
"itemId": "100023",
"sku": "SKU0023",
"channelId": "12",
"orderId": "<string>",
"orderNumber": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"lineItemId": "1",
"giftCard": [
"giftCardNum": "453456765",
"giftCardStatus": "ACTIVE"
"shipmentId": "627963716b19511e8a3a631b",
"shipmentNum": "78974156816152",
"invoiceId": "5674156816152",
"allocationId": "112345678912340",
"orderNumber": [
"poNumber": "1125",
"vendorId": "56",
"statusCode": "SHIPPED",
"type": "STANDARD",
"reshipmentReasonCode": "Order went missing",
"shipDate": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"locationNum": "132412",
"locationType": "DC",
"totalCartons": 2,
"masterTrackingNumber": "TX112345678",
"shipToId": "1",
"shipToAddress": {
"addressLine1": "888 Broadway",
"addressLine2": "505 suite",
"addressLine3": "<string>",
"addressLine4": "<string>",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"country": "USA",
"postalCode": "1003",
"type": "home",
"latitude": 134.13413,
"longitude": 757.0435
"recipient": [
"name": {
"first": "John",
"middle": "<string>",
"last": "Doe"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": 10612345678,
"type": "MOBILE"
"cartons": [
"cartonNum": "1",
"cartonType": "Package",
"promisedDeliveryDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-05-25T07:58:30.996Z",
"estimatedDeliveryDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"shipmentMethod": "ground",
"shipmentCarrier": "FEDEX",
"weight": "500 gram",
"trackingNumber": "1Z999AA10123456784",
"trackingURL": "",
"trackingDetails": [
"event": "picked up",
"eventId": "627963716b19511e8a3a631b",
"timestamp": "2019-09-30T07:58:30.996Z",
"shipmentCarrier": "FEDEX",
"location": "Reno, NV",
"notes": {}
"items": [
"shipmentLineItemId": "607f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"orderId": "317736896",
"orderNumber": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
"lineItemId": "1",
"itemId": "100023",
"sku": "SKU0023",
"channelId": "12",
"segment": null,
"vendorId": "56",
"orderedQuantity": 2,
"shippedQuantity": 2,
"returnQuantity": 1,
"returnAmount": 10,
"fees": [
"type": "tax",
"value": 34.56,
"quantity": 12,
"refundAmount": 10.4
"giftCard": [
"giftCardNum": "453456765",
"amount": 50,
"giftCardStatus": "ACTIVE",
"giftCardActiveRequestDate": "2022-05-26T07:58:30.996Z",
"giftCardActiveDate": "2022-06-26T07:58:30.996Z"
"attributes": {},
"uom": null
"scratchedItems": [
"orderId": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
"lineItemId": "2",
"itemId": "100043",
"sku": "SKU00043",
"quantity": 1,
"reasonCode": "<string>",
"subReasonCode": "<string>",
"attributes": {},
"uom": null
"createdAt": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-06-06T07:58:30.996Z",
"auditLogs": [
"auditType": "create",
"employeeId": "62272e917b12209e68751d94",
"auditTimestamp": "2022-05-12T09:24:54.804Z",
"source": "POS",
"note": "Note",
"attributes": {},
"updatedFields": [
"attributeName": "UOM",
"attributeOriginalValue": "PK"
"attributes": {}