Authentication v1
- Identity APIs
- User
- Address
- Auth
User Self Service APIs
- Introduction
- User Self Service APIs
- Authentication APIs
Experiences v2 (XM v2)
- XM
- Pages
- Global Components
- Menu
Experiences v1 (XM v1)
- XM
- Pages
- Global Components
- Menu
Product Catalog
- Product Catalog
- Category
- Product
- Attributes
- Bulk Import
Orders v2 (OMS v2)
- Order Management System
- Order
- Order Attribute
- Developer Guide
- Order Return
- Payment Status
- Package Tracking
- Cross Border
- Order Cancellation
- Appeasement
- Allocation
- Configuration
- Fraud Configuration
- Target Configuration
- Location
- Location Attribute
- Inventory Network
- Inventory
- Inventory Counter
- Inventory Bulk Operation
- Inventory Attribute
- Inventory Upload Log
- Shipment
- Shipping Method
- Webhook
- Notification
- Export
- Invoice
- Fraud
- Backorder Preorder Reservation
- List
Orders v1 (OMS v1)
- Order Management System
- Cart
- Bill To
- Ship To
- Wishlist
- Cart Decoupled
- Warehouse
- Inventory
- Attributes
- List
- Tax/Address Validate
- Shipping
- Payments
- Order
Offers v2
- Offers
- Developer Guide
- Promotion
- Price Kind
- Dynamic Pricing Engine
- Segment
- Coupon
- Coupon Codes
- Product
- Price List
- Attributes
- Item
- Price Guard
- Global Exclusion
- Upload Price CSV
- Pricing
- Redemption
- Exports
Offers v1
- Offers
- Login API
- Promotions
- Pricing
Subscriptions (SMT API)
- Subscriptions API
- Cancellation Reasons
- Subscription Discounts
- Subscriptions
- Subscribers
- Orders
Loyalty (Member)
- Member APIs
- Inquire
- Discounts
- Redeem
- Earn
- Members
- Dropship API
- Shipments
- Products
- Invoices
- Connections
- Inventory
- Developer Guide
- Returns
- Orders
Cart API
- Cart
- Order Draft
- Attribute
- Adjustments
- Overview
- POSTAdjust prices for a cart item
- PUTUpdate a specific price adjustment information for a given cart
- POSTAdjust prices for a specific cart
- DELDelete a specific price adjustment information for a cart item
- GETGet all price adjustment details for a specific cart
- PUTUpdate a specific price adjustment information for a cart item
- GETGet all price adjustments for a cart item
- DELDelete a specific price adjustment information from a given cart
- Shipping
- Cart
Checkout API
- Checkout
- Checkout
- Core Concepts
- Customer Service
- Organization
- User Party
- Organization Group Addresses
- User Internal Party
- Organization Contracts
- Party
- Party Contracts
- Contracts
- User
- Search
- User Trait
- Organization Users
- Address
- User Address
- Trait
- Party Address
- Party Trait
- Organization Group Users
- Internal Party
- Contract Pricelist
- Internal Parties Party
- Account
- Party Account
- Organization Addresses
- Organization Groups
- Individual Addresses
- Users Organization
- Individual
Update a specific price adjustment information for a cart item
Update a specific price adjustment entity from the list of price adjustments made to a particular line item in a given cart. A price adjustment entity is a single object in the price adjustments array.
The x-site-context
header is a JSON object that contains information about the source you wish to pull from. The mandatory account
is the 24 character identifier found in Copilot. The channel
(Sales channel ID), stage
(environment name), and date
attributes can be used to further narrow the scope of your data source.
API Key for Gateway
Authorization token for the user
Path Parameters
Cart ID to update a specific price adjustment data for a given lineItemId
within the cart.
Cart item's sequence number (starts at 1) for which price adjustment information is to be updated within the cart.
Price adjustment ID; it identifies a single price adjustment object from the list of price adjustments for the specified lineItemId
Price adjustment details
Amount to be adjusted with the specified line item's total amount or with a specified cart's total amount
Price adjustment reason
Placeholder for additional information
Cart details
Item SKU
Cart item details
Item SKU
total quantity of the line item
Cart item ID
Item ID
Item name
Additional item options
Attribute ID
Attribute name
Attribute type
Attribute price
Attribute description
ITEM: Item-level attribute<br />ORDER: Cart-level attribute
Attribute applicability
Attribute level
Item creation time
Last time item was updated
ItemSubType(For International type, provide subType as Border-free)
Item price list ID
Cart item sequence number (starts at 1)
x > 1
true = Item is active<br />false = Item is not active
Individual item price
Currency type
Price before discount
Offer discount details. Empty list {} should be passed in case of no discount.
Discounted price of the item
x > 0
List of discounts applied
Discounted percentage amount of the item
x > 0
Price after discount
Total price for the full quantity of this item
Currency type
Price before discount
Offer discount details. Empty list {} should be passed in case of no discount.
Discounted price of the item
x > 0
List of discounts applied
Discounted percentage amount of the item
x > 0
Price after discount
Total price of item attributes
Extra metadata passed by caller
Sales channel
true: Item is set for pickup<br />false: Item is set for delivery
Warehouse ID
Shipping ID
Shipment details
Shipping details ID
Cart ID
Shipping details creation time
Last time shipping details were updated
Shipping method and details
Shipping address
Address recipient
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
City name
State name
Country name
Zip code
Receiver's email address
Address type
Recipient's name
address details for the shipping
Shipping type
Shipping tax code
true = Item is set for pickup<br />false = Item is set for delivery
Warehouse ID
Store ID
Item details for order fulfillment
Type of order fulfillment
Specifies the network of inventory for item
Specifies the channel of inventory for item
Specifies the type of inventory for item
Inventory details of the cart item
View quantity of inventory, based on pre configured value. For example, 'availableToPurchase' can be a custom attribute configured by merchants.
Inventory ID
SKU of the item
Item ID for which inventory is updated
Location number is used to identify the warehouse or location where the inventory is kept
Sales channel ID. This field is used to identify where the business operations are being held.
Vendor ID
The amount of time between when a purchase order is placed to replenish products and when the order is received in the warehouse
Type of inventory
Infinite inventory flag.<br /> true
indicates that the inventory can be consumed any number of times as per need<br />false
indicates that the inventory cannot be used infinitely, and has a limit to be consumed
Inventory counter (also known as inventory position) configured by the merchant
Custom inventory attributes configured by the merchant
Inventory restock date
First ship date of inventory
Maximum restock inventory quantity
Maximum quanity of inventory for first-ship
Reserved inventory quantity at the location
Inventory quantity to mark as low stock at the location
Inventory segment
Region where inventory is managed
Number of
true: Item is set for pickup<br />false: Item is set for delivery
Cart item ID
Item ID
Item name
Total price of attributes
Item creation time
Last time item was updated
Item price list ID
Cart item sequence number (starts at 1)
x > 1
true = Item is active<br />false = Item is not active
Individual item price
Currency type
Price before discount
Offer discount details. Empty list {} should be passed in case of no discount.
Discounted price of the item
x > 0
Unique promotion/coupon ID
General promotion/coupon code
Promotion/coupon code discount value
Promotion/coupon code discount unit
List of discounts applied
Unique promotion/coupon ID
General promotion/coupon code
Promotion name
Quantity of this item in the cart
Total amount of discount applied
Promotion value
Promotion group ID
Promotion type
Promotion priority
true = This promotion is stackable with other promotions<br />false = This promotion cannot be stacked with other promotions
Item SKU to which promotion is applied
ID of item to which promotion is applied
Key of item to which promotion is applied
Coupon code description
Discount unit
The proratedQuantity
is used in conjunction with proratedAmount
to determine the discount portion allocated to the respective units of BuyGet promotions. This is applicable in partial return scenarios.
The prorated discount amount.
Discounted percentage amount of the item
x > 0
Price after discount
Total price for the full quantity of this item
Currency type
Price before discount
Offer discount details. Empty list {} should be passed in case of no discount.
Discounted price of the item
x > 0
Unique promotion/coupon ID
General promotion/coupon code
Promotion/coupon code discount value
Promotion/coupon code discount unit
List of discounts applied
Unique promotion/coupon ID
General promotion/coupon code
Promotion name
Quantity of this item in the cart
Total amount of discount applied
Promotion value
Promotion group ID
Promotion type
Promotion priority
true = This promotion is stackable with other promotions<br />false = This promotion cannot be stacked with other promotions
Item SKU to which promotion is applied
ID of item to which promotion is applied
Key of item to which promotion is applied
Coupon code description
Discount unit
The proratedQuantity
is used in conjunction with proratedAmount
to determine the discount portion allocated to the respective units of BuyGet promotions. This is applicable in partial return scenarios.
The prorated discount amount.
Discounted percentage amount of the item
x > 0
Price after discount
Additional item options
Attribute ID
Attribute name
Attribute type
Attribute price
Attribute description
ITEM: Item-level attribute<br />ORDER: Cart-level attribute
Attribute applicability
Attribute level
List of price adjustments for the line item
Price adjustment ID; it identifies a single price adjustment object from the list of price adjustments.
Price adjustment reason
Amount by which the line item's total amount or the specified cart's total amount is adjusted
x > 0
Placeholder for additional information
Warehouse ID
Shipment details
Shipping details ID
Cart ID
Shipping details creation time
Last time shipping details were updated
Shipping method and details
Shipping method ID
Shipment carrier
Shipment method type
Shipping address
Address recipient
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
City name
State name
Country name
Zip code
Receiver's email address
Address type
Shipping type
Shipping tax code
true = Item is set for pickup<br />false = Item is set for delivery
Alternative pickup person
Receiver's email address
Designated pickup person
Receiver's email address
Warehouse ID
Store ID
Sales channel
Fees associated with a specific cart or an individual line item of a cart
System-generated fee ID, in UUID format. While creating a cart or line item with fee, fabric generates this ID for the specified fee.
Attribute for which fee is applied
Fee type
Fee amount
Placeholder for additional information in key:value
Currency type
Metadata for this cart
All promotions or coupons for items in this cart
Errors in this cart
Item or discount price details
Item's base price
Item's sale price
Item's full price
Currency type
Price after the increments have been added over base
Price for all units of this item, including discounts
Price type
Discount amount
Offer channel
Offer type
Cart item sequence number (starts at 1)
x > 1
List of discounts
Unique promotion/coupon ID
General promotion/coupon code
Promotion name
Quantity of this item in the cart
Total amount of discount applied
Promotion value
Promotion group ID
Promotion type
Promotion priority
true = This promotion is stackable with other promotions<br />false = This promotion cannot be stacked with other promotions
Item SKU to which promotion is applied
ID of item to which promotion is applied
Key of item to which promotion is applied
Coupon code description
Discount unit
The proratedQuantity
is used in conjunction with proratedAmount
to determine the discount portion allocated to the respective units of BuyGet promotions. This is applicable in partial return scenarios.
The prorated discount amount.
Promo exception details
Error code
Error detail
ID of item to which exception applies
SKU of item to which exception applies
Cart item sequence number (starts at 1)
x > 1
Inventory exception details
Error code
Error detail
ID of item to which exception applies
SKU of item to which exception applies
Cart item sequence number (starts at 1)
x > 1
Cart ID
Cart creation time
Last time cart was updated
Number of items in the cart
Number of unique items in the cart based on line item ID
Cart status
Merchant ID
Customer account ID
User ID
Cart configurations
true: Allows a cart to be guest cart. Shoppers can modify the cart without logging in.<br/> false: Allows cart modification only if the shopper is logged in.
Specifies how an order number is created. The options are:<br/>1. CART_ID
: Cart ID is used as the order number. In this case, fabric's Cart service uses the specified cart ID and assigns it as the order numebr.<br/>2. EXTERNAL
: Merchant provides the order number during chekout.<br/>3. FABRIC
: fabric generates the order number based on cart configuration details, and assigns it to the cart.<br/>4. NONE
: Merchants have the flexibility to not provide an order number during the creation of an order draft. Instead, they can provide the order number when generating final orders based on the previously created order draft.
Specifies whether items in cart should be soft reserved. The options are:<br />true
: Soft reservation is enabled; the items added to cart are reserved in the inventory.<br />false
: Soft reservation is disabled; the items added to cart are not reserved in the inventory.
true: Item can be added to a cart by SKU; itemId
is not mandatory to add an item to a cart.<br />false: itemId
is mandatory to add an item to a cart
Total price of cart items after discount including Shipping and Shipping Discount
Total price of cart items including Shipping without any discount
Total discount applied to cart
Total fees applied to cart
Additional item options
Attribute ID
Attribute name
Attribute type
Attribute price
Attribute description
ITEM: Item-level attribute<br />ORDER: Cart-level attribute
Attribute applicability
Attribute level
Fees associated with a specific cart or an individual line item of a cart
System-generated fee ID, in UUID format. While creating a cart or line item with fee, fabric generates this ID for the specified fee.
Attribute for which fee is applied
Fee type
Fee amount
Placeholder for additional information in key:value
List of recommended products that are available for purchase along with the item added to the cart
Promotion ID
Promotion title
Suggested item ID
IDs of the items for which this promotion is applicable
Price lists to which the promotion is applicable
Suggested quantity of items
x > 1
Maximum quantity of items allowed as part of the promotion
x > 1
Indicates if the suggested item is a free item. The options are:<br />true: The suggested item is provided for free.<br />false: The suggested item is not offered for free.
Discount type, such as %OFF, AMOUNT_OFF, and FIXED_PRICE
Discount amount