The search, filter, and sort options on the Background Jobs page allow you to refine the list of items, find a specific job, or cancel a job.

The Background Jobs page displays the following information:

Column HeaderDescription
Job IDThe unique identifier of the job.
File nameThe name of the file that was imported. This column is only available on the Import tab.
Import typeThe Import type column is only available on the Import tab. It displays the type of information that was exported, whether item, bundle, item variant, attribute, category, or collection.
Export typeThe Export type column is only available on the Export tab. It displays the type of information that was exported, whether item, bundle, item variant, attribute, category, or collection.
Job typeThe Job type column is only available on the Other tab. It displays the following information:

- Product Update: Collection Evaluation: When a product is updated, all collections are evaluated to identify which collection the product will be a part of.

- Category Update: Product Attribute: A job that’s triggered every 20 minutes (unless the account is configured for a different time period) when product attributes assigned to a category are assigned or removed.

- Collection Update: Product Evaluation: When a collection is updated or created, this job evaluates all the rules against products and indexes all the products.

- Product Update: Category Assignment: Users can assign products to a different category in bulk. This job tracks those bulk category reassignments on products.

- Product Denormalization: fabric’s downstream domains, such as Orders, Offers, and Cart and Checkout, use denormalized data.

This job handles all the Product Catalog events and identifies a list of products that are updated due to these events and writes the denormalized data to OpenSearch for use downstream.
MessageThe system-generated message that gives one of the following outcomes of the background job:

- Completed successfully: The job is complete with no errors.

- Partially completed with errors: The job is partially complete and contains errors.

- File contains errors: The job is complete and contains errors.

- Failed with Errors: The job couldn’t be completed because of major errors.

This message can only appear for jobs on the Other tab.
StatusThe status of the job. Statuses are color-coded and defined as follows:

- Scheduled (grey): Job is scheduled to begin.

- In progress (green): Job is currently running.

- Completed (green): Job is complete with no errors.

- Completed (orange): Job is complete but some errors were identified.

- Failed (red): Job couldn’t be completed and no rows were processed due to major errors.
Time startedThe date and time the job began.
Time completedThe date and time the job completed.

Searching Jobs

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs. The Import tab on the Background Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Select the type of jobs to search by doing one of the following:
    • To search imports, stay on the Imports tab.
    • To search exports, click the Exports tab.
      • The Exports tab is displayed.
    • To search other jobs, click the Other tab.
      • The Other tab is displayed.
  3. Type a search term into the search bar and press Enter. The search field accepts the following queries:
    • Imports: Partial file name, full file name, or full job ID.
    • Exports: Partial file name, full file name, or full job ID.
    • Other jobs: Full job ID.

The results are displayed.

Filtering Jobs

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs.
    The Import tab on the Background Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Select the type of jobs to filter by doing one of the following:
    • To filter imports, stay on the Imports tab.
    • To filter exports, click the Exports tab.
      • The Exports tab is displayed.
    • To filter other jobs, click the Other tab.
      • The Other tab is displayed.
  3. Choose at least one of the following filters:
    • Click the Date field and select a range for the date the jobs were started or completed.
    • Click the Status field and select a status.
    • Depending on the type of jobs to filter that you selected in step 2, click the Import type, Export type, or Job type field and select a job type.

Jobs that match the filters you chose are displayed.

Click Reset filters to remove all filters.

Sorting Jobs

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs.
    The Import tab on the Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Select the type of jobs to sort by doing one of the following:
    • To sort imports, stay on the Imports tab.
    • To sort exports, click the Exports tab.
      • The Exports tab is displayed.
    • To sort other jobs, click the Other tab.
      • The Other tab is displayed.
  3. Click one of the column headers to sort the list of jobs.
    All jobs can be sorted by Job ID, Status, Time started, and Time completed. In addition, import jobs can be sorted by Import type, export jobs can be sorted by Export type, and other jobs can be sorted by Job type.

The jobs are sorted.

Canceling Jobs

The only type of background job that can be canceled is an item or item variant import. When a job is canceled, it stops processing after completing the row in progress.

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs. The Import tab on the Background Jobs page is displayed.

  2. Mouse over the job you want to cancel and click the X icon. Note: The job must have a status of In Progress or Scheduled to be canceled.

  3. The Are you sure you want to cancel? window is displayed.

  4. Click Yes, Cancel.

The job is canceled.

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