fabric Offers works in conjunction with Product Catalog to set up and manage Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) prices. Its wide range of coupon and promotion features let you design discounts ranging from single-use, customer-specific coupons to site-wide promotions.

Offers must be connected to a front-end such as a web storefront or mobile app to display content and facilitate interaction.

You must be an active user of fabric’s Product Catalog service to use Offers. Product data must be available in Product Catalog to enable the creation of prices, price lists, promotions, and coupons within Offers.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

fabric Copilot provides the ability to restrict the access of different users to information and actions available to them through roles. For more information and instructions on how to set up these controls for Offers, see the RBAC documentation.

Accessing Offers in Copilot

  1. Log in to your Copilot account. If you don’t have an active Copilot account, click here to sign up for a free trial, or contact support for help.
  2. On the left menu, click Offers, and then click one of the following options as required:
  • Pricing: Sets and tracks the price of items in your web store.
  • Promotions: Automatically applies discounts at checkout.
  • Coupons: Provides discount codes that customers can apply at checkout.
  • Settings: Sets and updates price lists.