❗️ XM is now called Experiences

Some of fabric’s products are undergoing name changes. XM is becoming Experiences, but you may see the old name in some places as we make the transition.

Component Descriptor Overview

An Experiences Component is a JSON object that provides a schema that a content writer can populate with static content and make available to display on a storefront.

The descriptor files define the components that can be used in Experiences. These components can be used for both global elements and pages. The descriptors include attributes which are the specific fields available in each component.

For full details on component descriptors, attributes, and mapping to a site experience please see the Experiences developer guide .

To view the details and JSON of a specific component, select Settings from the left navigation links.

Mouse over the component you wish to view, click the vertical ellipsis () and select View.


Add Single Component Descriptor

To add a new component descriptor, select Add component

  • Component label - name that will display when Experiences users leverage the component to build content in the Experiences editor
  • ID - unique ID of the component
  • Allow nested components (True/False) - Determines if other components can be nested within this component when building out content in the Experiences editor. See Nested Components for more information.
  • Description (optional) - component intended function and details

Add the component attributes which are the specific content fields for editors.

Each attribute must have the following:

  • type: The type of attribute. See Attribute types for the specific options.
  • label: The human-readable label of the attribute that displays in the Experiences editor.

Optionally include a default value, this will auto-populate the editor with a default value if none is specified.

Select Save and your changes and your component will appear in the descriptor list.


Component Descriptor Bulk Upload

To bulk upload a group of component descriptors, click Bulk Upload and select the relevant descriptor file (.json) from your local machine. Experiences will add the descriptors listed in your file and make them available to use in creating pages and global elements.

To add additional components or make changes/remove existing components, upload a new file. Experiences will then update or add the new components based on the file added.

The file must be a valid JSON format. The following attributes are required for each component.

  • type : The type of descriptor. Set as “Component”.
  • id : The ID of the descriptor. This must be unique.
  • label : The human readable label of the descriptor. This label will appear in the editor when you are selecting components to utilize.
  • description : The description that describes the descriptor’s intended function.
  • attributes : A custom JSON object that will have each attribute that you want your descriptor’s schema to have. Each attribute must have the following information:
  • type : The type of attribute. See available types
  • label : The human readable label of the attribute
  • default : An optional field, this will auto-populate the editor with a default value if none is specified.

Edit Component

To edit the details of a specific component, select Settings from the left navigation links.

Mouse over the component you wish to view, click the vertical ellipsis () and select Edit.

Make the desired modifications for each field, then click the Save button.
