Add users and configure notifications in Marketplace.
To access Retailer Settings, click on your account name in the menu at the top of the page. In the dropdown menu that appears, select Retailer Settings.
Use the tiles on the Retailer Settings page to manage everything from general information and user privileges to API clients and webhook settings.
Default Onboarding Preferences
Manage the default onboarding settings for all new suppliers.
The settings you configure here will be the default settings for all new connections. You can always override these settings when inviting a new connection.
Each of these preferences is set for a new vendor automatically. These preferences can be changed for an individual vendor by going to their Connection Details Page.
Default Cost Determination
All incoming items on a purchase order must have an associated cost to the retailer. Use the Cost Method dropdown menu to make a selection:
Specified on Platform: Marketplace is responsible for capturing the cost in this scenario. For Proposals, an attribute called “Cost” becomes mandatory for all of a supplier’s items. It is implemented through rulesets being used by Proposal Departments and requires that suppliers define the value for the “Cost” attribute for every item when creating a proposal. For Import Requests, the same “Cost” attribute becomes mandatory for all items created by the retailer, and retailers will not be able to send import requests without the “Cost” attribute.
Specified on Order: The retailer is responsible of providing the value of “Net Price” with every order they create in Marketplace. Orders created without “Net Price” or “Retailer Price” will be rejected by the system.
Commission: The retailer must specify the commission amount. Marketplace will automatically calculate the cost to be paid to the supplier based on the retail price in every item. Retailers need to provide the “Retail Price” while creating an order in Marketplace. Any order without the Retail Price will be rejected. The net price will be calculated based on the commission and retail price.
After making a selection, click the Save Preference button.
Default Fulfillment SLA
The Fulfillment SLA governs how long suppliers have to ship orders before they are considered late.
Use the dropdown to choose whether suppliers have one, two, or three business days to ship orders once they receive the order.
After making a selection, click the Save Preference button.
Default Payment Terms
The retailer pays the cost of all the items on a purchase order. The Payment Terms reflect how long the retailer has in credit days before that amount is due to the supplier. For example, if set to Net 15, the retailer will need to remit the supplier within 15 days of invoice receipt.
Use the dropdown to make a selection and then click the Save Preference button.
Default Catalog Import Method
The catalog import method defines how suppliers share their product catalog with you.
Selecting Import Requests requires you to upload a spreadsheet on behalf of your suppliers and subsequently seek the their approval to publish the products.
Selecting Proposals requires suppliers to submit products to you for approval.
After making a selection, click the Save Preference button.
Default Customer Service & Returns Allowance
Setting a customer service & returns allowance on a connection automatically applies an adjustment to all new incoming supplier invoices, decreasing the amount the retailer owes the supplier.
This allowance is typically applied to offset the costs of returns and other costs associated with servicing a customer.
To set a default returns allowance for any new connections automatically, enter a value between 0 and 10% and then click the Save Preference button.
Packing Slip Template
Including a retailer-branded packing slip is often an important component of the customer experience. The default packing slip will include your logo and core order data including the customer order number.
If you have worked with fabric Support to configure a custom packing slip, please provide the template name and click the Save Preference button.
Currency Settings
Manage the currency of your account. Use the dropdown menu to select a primary currency. This will help Marketplace apply location-specific configurations for things like a product’s cost and price. Supported currencies include United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, British Pound Sterling, and Euros.
Marketplace supports real-time push notifications so that you can receive supplier onboarding alerts or transaction alerts.
To enable a notification, enter an email address or a distribution list the corresponding field, and then use the toggle menu to set the notification to Enabled or Not Enabled.
Types of Onboarding Notifications:
- Supplier Invite Accepted: Notifications when a supplier partner accepts an invitation to join.
- Supplier Completed Onboarding: Notifications when a new supplier completes onboarding.
- Connection Notifications: Real-time alerts related to your connections and connection notes.
Types of Transaction Notifications:
- Connection Notifications: Notifications related to your connections and connection notes.
- Order Received: Notifications when a new order is received.
- Order Canceled: Notifications when a cancellation request is received.
- Order Ship To Address Updated: Notifications when a “ship to” address change request is received.
- Message Received: Notifications when a new message is received on an orders.
- Return Received: Notifications when a new RMA is created on an order.
- Return Approved/Rejected: Notifications when an RMAs is approved or rejected.
In addition, Digest Notifications allow you to receive daily, aggregated reports on any late purchase orders.
Use the Branding menu to upload your business’s logo. It will be displayed to your supplier partners throughout the fabric platform and included on your packing slip.
The ideal logo is a 360x120 pixel PNG.
Click on the Upload From Device button to browse files on your computer to upload. Once you’ve selected a file, click and drag the preview to zoom, pan, and crop the image.
When finished, click Save.
Payment Settings (Staff Only)
Connect your bank account to your fabric Marketplace profile for automatic payments through Plaid. Click on the Open Plaid button to begin the setup process within Plaid.
User Management
Invite new users and manage existing ones.
Creating a new user
To add a user to the account, click on the Add New User button. Enter the new user’s first name, last name, and email address, and fabric will send them an email with instructions to activate their user account.
Editing a user
To edit a user’s account information, find and click on their name on the User Management page.
The General Settings section allows you to edit basic profile information that identifies the user across the fabric platform. Use the Status dropdown menu to change the account between Active, Suspended, and Invited. When finished with your changes, click Update.
The Role section allows you to configure a user’s access level. Click Add Role to assign a user a new role. To edit a user’s existing role, click on the role and the Update Role popup will appear. Select a new role for the user in the dropdown menu and click Save Role.
Security Credentials allows you to give the user a new temporary password. Use the New Password and Confirm Password fields to create their new password. Upon logging in, the user will be required to change their password.
Security Info shows details from the last time the user signed in to fabric.
API Clients
Manage API keys for your account.
Adding a new API Client
To add a new client, click on the Add API Client button, give the client a name, and click Create Client. After the client is created, you will be able to retrieve their credentials.
Accessing Client Credentials
To access a client’s credentials, find and click on their name on the API Clients page.
The Client Credentials section shows the name you gave the client, their API URL, their Brand ID, and Client ID, along with the Client Secret. To access the client secret, click on Get Client Secret. However, you can only access the client secret once. When you’re ready, click on the Show API Secret button. The API secret will be shown, along with a copy button so that you can save it. If you need to access the client secret again, please submit a support ticket.
Manage existing integrations associated with your account and add new ones.
Dropship supports integrations with BigCommerce, fabric, and Shopify.
Adding an Integration
Basic setup for integration with third-party platforms consists of clicking on the Add Integration button at the top-right of the page. In the Add Integration popup that appears, click the Add button next to the platform you’d like to integrate with. From there, integrating with each platform is different, but setup includes information like the API Key, API Secret, or Store URL.
Integration Options
Existing integrations appear on the Integrations page below the Add Integration button. To manage an existing integration, find and click on its corresponding Options menu. The options in the popup that appears are shortcuts to edit settings within the integration.
Webhooks (Advanced)
Configure webhooks and review webhook history.
Configure webhooks to listen to key events from the fabric platform. To add a new webhook, click on the Add Webhook button.
- Proposal Approved
- Item Inventory updated
- Offer Created
- Order Created
- Order Closed
- Shipment Closed
- Cancel Created
- Invoice Created
The Method dropdown menu allows you to choose between post, put, and patch.
In the URL field, enter the webhook URL.
Use the Status dropdown menu to choose whether the webhook is Enabled or Disabled.
When finished, click Add Webhook.
Webhook History
Review recent webhook results.
Retailer SKU Settings
Configure auto-generation of retailer SKUs.
You can turn on automatic SKU assignment if you would like Marketplace to generate unique SKUs for items as soon as they are approved by a member of the retailer team.
The settings configured on this page will be applied to new products only; existing products and items will NOT be modified.
After making a selection, click the Save Preference button.
Serial Key
If Retailer SKU Assignment is enabled, you can choose a seed value for your SKUs. Fill out the Prefix, Seed Value, and Net Value fields, and then click Save Preference.
Proposal Departments
Visit the Proposals page to learn more about Proposal Departments in fabric Marketplace.
Creating a Proposal Department
To create a new Proposal Department, click the Create button at the top-right of the page and fill out the fields in the Create Department popup that appears.
- Name: Give the Department a name
- Product Import Template: select from fabric’s default templates or a template you created
- Supplier Ruleset: Select the attribute validations that suppliers must meet
- Retailer Ruleset: Select the attribute validations that you must meet
- Sample Template URL (optional)
Attribute Value Transformers
Please see the Attribute Value Transformers page for more information.
Product Rulesets
Please see the Rulesets page for more information.
Product & Inventory Templates
Please see the Templates page for more information.
Shipping Accounts
Create and manage Shipping Accounts
Adding a Shipping Account
To add a new shipping account, click on the Add Shipping Account button. In the popup that appears, give shipping account a nickname, use the Carrier dropdown menu to select a shipping provider, and then click Save & Continue.
Terms of Service
Review the Terms of Service from fabric Marketplace.
Click on the Commerce Network Merchant Agreement link to open a PDF of the Terms of Service in a popup window.
Tracking Number History
The Tracking Number History section allows retailers to acknowledge changes in tracking numbers.
The Tacking History page shows the Shipment ID and old and new tracking numbers, as well as the date the tracking number was changed.
Click on the Shipment ID to see details about the shipment, including the Packing Slip.
Click the Acknowledge button at the right to acknowledge the changes to an order’s tracking number.
Commission Profiles
Please see the Categories & Commission Profiles page for more information.
Please see the Categories & Commission Profiles page for more information.
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