
Items such as products and services are the backbone of Product Catalog. Users can create them manually or by bulk import using a CSV file. Items are then validated to ensure data consistency and quality. Product Catalog also supports the creation of item variants which are versions of an item with different attributes like sizes or colors.

NOTE: The operations described on this page require attributes and categories to be configured in advance.

To search pages for a specific word in the name, enter the word in the search field and hit the Search button. Search terms will auto-populate as you type.

Activate the filters by clicking on the filter icon next to the search bar button. You can filter by Category, Date, Status, and Attributes & Values.

Selecting a checkbox will bring up the Bulk Actions button to enable Delete, Export and other operations.

When Export of items in Product Catalog is selected from Bulk Actions, a notification appears confirming the action. Upon completion, the system will send an email to the user indicating:

  • Successful download
  • Date of export and instructions to download the file
  • If there was an issue, an error message will appear with description of problem and the date of export


  • SKU: the unique number assigned to the item when it was originally entered into Product Catalog
  • Product Name: title that will appear when item is visible on webpage
  • Variants: number of alternative versions such as color or size
  • Category: main category for this item
  • Created: date the item was added to Product Catalog
  • Status: Live indicates item is in use and Draft means the entry is in the system but not being used. Items with both Draft and Live versions are indicated by an arrow. Click the arrow to view all versions of the item. Items that exist solely in Live or Draft will not have an arrow beside them.

Filter options

Product Catalog filters enables users to select specific items they want to see or exclude on a list using multiple criteria.

Activate the filters by clicking on the filter icon next to the search bar button. You can filter by Category, Date, Status, and Attributes & Values.

  • Category: You can select one or more categories from the Category dropdown list. Subcategories will be indicated by an arrow next to the main category name. If Collections are configured, you can apply filters to customize your view using those categories and items. When selections are completed, click the Apply filter button.
  • Date: Select the Date link and choose from the existing options or provide a custom date range for one or both filters. Click the Apply filter button when completed.
  • Attributes & Values: To create a filter for items based on the specific attributes, select Attributes & Values option. From the If dropdown, click on one attribute from the list provided. Click Add new condition if you want to create your own attributes for filtering.
  • Status: Choose to filter bundles by their status, either Live or Draft. Click the Apply filter button when completed.

All filters will appear as buttons on top of the list. You can delete individual filters by clicking the x next to the filter name or remove them all at once by clicking Reset all.

Filter behavior

When multiple filters criteria are selected, they are applied in an AND condition manner, meaning only the items that match all conditions will be shown. Like “Date = 22-Jan-2022” and “Category = Table” - when both are selected, items matching both criteria will be shown.

When multiple filters are applied under the same criteria, they are applied in an OR condition. For example “Date = 22-Jan-2022” and “Date = 12-Jan-2022”, will show items matching either of these conditions.

When filters are applied, all items are shown individually, meaning if only a variant matches the criteria and the parent doesn’t, the variant will be shown on the list. If both match the criteria, both entries will be shown on the list.

Create New Item

Select List from the left panel and then select Items.

Click New Item at the top of the page.

Browse to or search the relevant subcategory from the Select a category node dialog box. Selecting a subcategory of the Category (LEVEL: 0) is required and only the last subcategory in the category can be selected.

Click Next.

Select Attribute Group, then click on the Edit button in the attribute panel.

Populate the fields in each attribute section. These are example fields and will vary based on how you configured Product Catalog. An asterisk “*” character indicates the field is required.

  • Product Title: title that will appear when item is visible on a webpage
  • Product Image: URL of the image to represent the product or service
  • Product ID: the unique number assigned to the item when it was originally entered into Product Catalog, usually the SKU

To change the Category, select the vertical ellipsis () on the top right and select Change Category node. Select the new category node and click Save. This action will remove attributes of the current category and add new attributes from the new category node.

Once the Basic info is completed, the indicator will change from Not Started to Completed.

More attributes sections might appear depending on how you configured Product Catalog and the required info will vary based on the Category node selected in the beginning of the process.

When finished, Save the Item:

  • Click Save as Draft to save the item in Draft status. Once selected, you’ll be taken to the Items listing page where the newly added item will exist as a Draft.
  • Click Save & Publish to publish the item. Once selected, you’ll be taken to the Items listing page where the newly added item will exist as Live.

Item Variants

You can add variants for any item in Product Catalog. When a variant is added to an item, the original becomes the parent. New items that are added become children. Variants added to a parent can be detached later.

Add Variants

To add a variant, select a parent item from the Items list, click the Variants tab and click the Add Variants button up the top right.

Click Inherit parent item attribute values and check the values of the attribute(s) you want to inherit from the parent item to variants. This selection cannot be changed later and the values will always be dictated by the parent item. These inherited attribute values cannot be edited for a specific variant.

NOTE: SKU, Formula-based attributes (hyperlink), and Serial type attribute (hyperlink) cannot be set to inherit values from the parent.

Click Select existing items if you want to add other existing items belonging to the same category as children to this item. A table with the following items will be shown

  • Items that are not currently a parent
  • Item are not currently a variant
  • Items that belong to the same category node

Click Create variants to add new items to your List as variants. In the Add number field, enter the number of variants for this item, then click the Add button.

Based on the numbers specified, a table will be populated for each variant where non-inherited attribute values can be saved. Click the Edit button to add or change any of the fields. A SKU value is required for a variant to be created. Variants without a SKU will not be created.

Click Save

View Variants

Variants are shown embedded in the Items detail page under Variants tab in a list view with image thumbnail, SKU, title, creation date, and Status. Variants are sorted by default on the basis of their Create/Update date. Clicking on a variant will render the Variant detail page.

To separate a child variant and make it standalone, click the Detach variant button.

To make a variant inactive but keep it available for possible future use, click the Unpublish button.

If you want to remove a single variant entirely, click Delete.

Delete Items

To delete an item, navigate to the item, click on it and click the Delete button. Your are given the option of deleting either the entire set of items (parent plus all its variants) or you can choose to delete only the parent items and all variants will become individual items without a parent.


Bundles are two or more products sold together. There are two types of bundles in Product Catalog. Pure bundles are groups of products exclusively sold together; individual items can not be purchased separately. Mixed bundles are groups of items that are sold together and separately.

NOTE: The operations described on this page require attributes and categories to be configured in advance.

To search pages for a specific word in the name, enter the word in the search field and hit the Search button. Search terms will auto-populate as you type.

Activate the filters by clicking on the filter icon next to the search bar button. You can filter by Category, Date, Status, and Attributes & Values.

Selecting a checkbox will bring up the Bulk Actions button to enable Delete, Export and other operations.

When Export of bundles in Product Catalog is selected from Bulk Actions, a notification appears confirming the action. Upon completion, the system will send an email to the user indicating:

  • Successful download
  • Date of export and instructions to download the file
  • If there was an issue, an error message will appear with description of problem and the date of export


  • SKU: the unique number assigned to the bundle when it was originally entered into Product Catalog
  • Product Name: title that will appear when bundle is visible on webpage
  • No. of Items: number of items contained in the bundle
  • Category: main category for the bundle
  • Created: date the bundle was added to Product Catalog
  • Status: Live indicates bundle is in use and Draft means the entry is in the system but not being used. Items with both Draft and Live versions are indicated by an arrow. Click the arrow to view all versions of the item. Items that exist solely in Live or Draft will not have an arrow beside them.

Filter options

Product Catalog filters enables users to select specific bundles they want to see or exclude on a list using multiple criteria.

Activate the filters by clicking on the filter icon next to the search bar button. You can filter by Category, Date, Status, and Attributes & Values.

  • Category/Collection: You can select one or more options from the dropdown lists under Category and Collection. Subcategories will be indicated by an arrow next to the main category name. If Collections are configured, you can apply filters to customize your view using those categories and bundles. When selections are completed, click the Apply filter button.
  • Date: Select the Date link and choose from the existing options or provide a custom date range for one or both filters. Click the Apply filter button when completed.
  • Attributes & Values: To create a filter for bundles based on the specific attributes, select Attributes & Values option. From the If dropdown, click on one attribute from the list provided. Click Add new condition if you want to create your own attributes for filtering. Click the Apply filter button when completed.
  • Status: Choose to filter bundles by their status, either Live or Draft. Click the Apply filter button when completed.

All filters will appear as buttons on top of the list. You can delete individual filters by clicking the x next to the filter name or remove them all at once by clicking Reset all.

Filter behavior

When multiple filters criteria are selected, they are applied in an AND condition manner, meaning only the bundles that match all conditions will be shown. Like “Date = 22-Jan-2022” and “Category = Furniture” - when both are selected, bundles matching both criteria will be shown.

When multiple filters are applied under the same criteria, they are applied in an OR condition. For example “Date = 22-Jan-2022” and “Date = 12-Jan-2022”, will show bundles matching either of these conditions.

When filters are applied, all bundles are shown individually, meaning if only a variant matches the criteria and the parent doesn’t, the variant will be shown on the list. If both match the criteria, both entries will be shown on the list.

Create New Bundle

Select List from the left panel of Product Catalog, go to Bundles and click New Bundle. This process is similar to adding an item described above.

Browse to or search the relevant subcategory from Select a category node dialog box**.**Selecting a subcategory of the Category is required and only the last subcategory in the category can be selected.

Populate the fields in each attribute section. These are example fields and will vary based on how you configured Product Catalog. An asterisk “*” character indicates the field is required.

  • Product Title - title that will appear when item is visible on a webpage
  • Product Image - URL of the image to represent the product or service
  • Product ID - the unique number assigned to the item when it was originally entered into Product Catalog, usually the SKU

To add items to the bundle once information is saved, click on the Bundle items tab, then the Add Items button. In the Parent items section, click on the items you want to add. That items and all its variants will be included in the bundle. To select single variant items, click on Individual variants.

Save the Bundle:

Click Save as Draft to save the bundle in Draft status. Once selected, you’ll be taken to the Bundles listing page where the newly added bundle will exist as a Draft.

Click Save & Publish to publish the bundle. Once selected, you’ll be taken to the Bundles listing page where the newly added item will exist as Live.

Edit Bundle

To edit the specific bundle, click on it in the Bundles list. On the Bundle information screen you can edit any field item by clicking the checkbox, changing the quantity if desired, and then clicking the Remove items or Add items button.

Click Save.

Delete Bundle

To delete a bundle on the individual Bundle Information page, click the Delete button in the upper right section of the page.

To delete one or more bundles from the list on the main page, select the checkbox(s), click on the Bulk Actions button and select Delete.

Import Bundles

To import bundles navigate to the Bundles page, select Import Bundles.