
The Plan Manager is the default view in Subscriptions. It displays a list of all previously created plans with filter and sort features. Clicking on a plan in the list allows you to view its details or make edits.🖼️

Creating a Plan

To create a new plan, click the Add Plan button at the top of the page.

On the Add subscription plan page, start by filling in the Plan name. The Plan name is for internal use to differentiate one plan from another.

Use the WYSIWYG editor to add a description and include any additional details the plan. The editor accepts images and links and includes a source code editor.


Use the Frequency Settings to define the billing and shipping intervals with an added feature to include a discount for each setting.

You can add any number of frequency settings to a plan, with discounts ranging from 1 to 100 percent.

Click the Add Products button to browse the products connected to your Subscriptions account via Product Catalog. In the Add product window that opens, use the headers above the table to sort products, and click the checkbox to the left of each product you would like to add to the subscription plan. When finished, click Save.

Use the optional Shipping Cost field at the top-right to set a flat shipping rate each time the subscription ships.


Click the Publish button at the top-right of the page to make the plan live.

Use the drop-down menu at the top-left to set the plan’s status:

  • Draft - plans that are still a work in progress can be saved for publishing later.
  • Active - once published, a plan is Active. In this state, all products and services linked to the plan are available to both new and old users.
  • Archived - once a plan is archived, users who have already subscribed will continue to be billed and shipped to, but the plan will not be available for new subscriptions. Only plans that are Active can be set to Archived.

Editing a Plan

Click on a plan name from the list in the Plan Manager to make changes. All of a plan’s information can be edited if its status is set to Draft or Active. Any changes to a plan take effect immediately after clicking the Save button.


To export all Plans and their information as a CSV file, click the Export button at the top of the page.