View and manage all subscriptions
The Subscriptions page shows all existing subscriptions - both those that were placed on your commerce site, and those that were loaded via API. The table features controls to sort by Ship Type, Status, and Payment due, as well as a search feature at the top of the page.
The Subscription status dashboard at the top-right of the page shows the total number of subscriptions ordered, along with the number of subscriptions that are active and cancelled.
Subscription Details
Click on a Subscription in the table to see its details, the products in the order, the customer’s details, and the shipping calendar.
Editing a Subscription
Click the Actions button in the top-right to make changes to the subscription.
The default menu is Products Added, which has a search bar to find products by SKU or Product Title at the top, and a table listing all products in the subscription. Use the controls in the Quantity column to adjust the quantity of the product included with each recurring shipment.
Select the Delivery details menu to control aspects of shipment and delivery. Use the Ship type and Ship Frequency fields to change when the subscriptions are shipped. For example, setting Ship type to 3 and Ship Frequency to weeks would create an interval of every 3 weeks.
Use the Upcoming delivery date field to manually override the upcoming delivery date.
Click Save when finished.
Use the General Details menu to update the customer’s name and email address on file.
The Shipping Details menu allows you to edit where the customer’s shipments are delivered.
The Payment Details menu allows you to edit the customer’s billing address.
Click Save when finished.
Use the first drop-down menu to select the current product to be replaced, and the second drop-down menu to choose the new product to add in its place.
Click Save when finished.
The modal window displays the next delivery date so that you can confirm the delivery to be skipped. To proceed, click Save and Skip delivery.
Choose a reason for the cancellation and click Cancel Subscription.
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