Make your first API request

This section provides you the instructions to use the Create Attribute endpoint. With this endpoint, you can create attributes that can be assigned to a product or category.



  1. Open your preferred API testing tool or command-line interface.
  2. To run the following API call, set the following headers in the request with the corresponding values and add the payload as in the example:
    • x-fabric-tenant-id: Replace <Tenant-Id> with your fabric tenant ID.
    • Authorization: Replace <Generated-access-token> with the access token obtained from the previous steps.
    • Content-Type: Set this header to application/json.
   curl --location '' \  
   --header 'x-fabric-tenant-id: <Tenant-Id>' \  
   --header 'Authorization: <Generated-access-token>' \  
   --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \  
   --data '{  
      "name": "20063",  
      "localizedProperties": {  
         "en-US": {  
               "name": "demo_en_us_attribute"  
      "description": "Demo_attribute",  
      "type": "TEXT",  
      "target": "PRODUCT",  
      "isLocalizable": false,  
      "validation": {  
         "isMandatory": false,  
         "subType": "SMALL_TEXT",  
         "customValidationFormula": ""  

Note that this payload is an example. You can edit it as required. 3. Send a POST request to the endpoint.
A response with the status code 200 is returned with the following information:

   "id": "",  
   "name": "",  
   "description": "",  
   "isLocalizable": ,  
   "target": "",  
   "type": "",  
   "validation": {  
      "isMandatory": ,  
      "subType": "",  
      "customValidationFormula": "",  
   "updatedAt": "",  
   "createdAt": "",  
   "updatedBy": ""  

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