Stripe standard integration
Stripe connects to your fabric account and is used by the fabric storefront to process payments during checkout. The fabric checkout experience calls Stripe SDKs to authorize, process, refund, or void payments.
fabrics Stripe integration supports the following key operations:
- Create a payment
- Authorize payments
- Get a payment
- Capture a payment
- Refund a payment
- Void a payment
- Create a customer
- Get a customer
- Generate a client token
Setting up the Stripe Connector
- Complete the setup and activation for your Stripe account.
- Submit a support request to fabric customer success with the following details and configuration settings:
- Stripe Secret Key
- Stripe Public Key
- Auto capture authorization: This configuration determines if the capture should be performed in the authorization request. The auto capture default is
. - Payment method deleted after authorization: This configuration determines if the payment token should be kept or invalidated for later uses. The default value is set to
to perform token invalidation. This is so guest users can be handled for this integration.
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