Getting Started
Authentication v3
- Concepts
- System Apps
- User Apps
- Authentication Endpoints
Product Catalog
- Product Catalog API - Overview
- Developer Guide
- Data Ingestion Best Practices
- Attributes & Attribute Mapping
- Categories
- Products
- Collections
- Background Jobs
- Bulk Import & Export
- Published Products
- Orders (3.0.0)
- Developer Guide
- Orders FAQ
- Shopping Lists
- Shipping Methods
- Imports
- Exports
- Orders
- Frauds
- Notifications
- Backorders Preorders
- Cancellations
- Allocations
- Shipments
- Inventory Transfers
- Tracking
- Invoices
- Payments
- Credits
- Appeasements
- Returns
- Inventory (3.0.0)
- Inventory FAQ
- Imports
- Counters
- Inventory
- Locations
- Networks
- Offers (3.0.0)
- Developer Guide
- Real-time Pricing Engine
- Price Lists
- Prices
- Price Types
- Price Controls
- Price Methods
- Priced Products
- Add-ons
- Promotions
- Coupons
- Coupon Codes
- Redemptions
- Product Exclusion Lists
- Segments
- Imports
- Exports
- Attributes
- Webhook Events
- Overview
- Developer Guides
- Carts
- Order Draft
- Items
- Addresses
- Payments
- Fulfillment
- Customer
- Coupons
- Validations
- Cart Orchestrator
- Customer Profile
- Customer Address
- Customer Self
Find collections
This endpoint enables you to find collections by the search criteria you specify in the request body. You can also sort
the results.
S2S access token (JWT) from fabric Identity service (during Login)
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
Unique request ID
Specification for matching attributes
24-character system-generated attribute ID
Attribute value
Operations that can be performed on a string
If isLocalizable
is true, searches for the requested name in the list of locales provided here. If isLocalizable
is false, searches for the non-localized names.
Searches for attributes that matches the query. Append locale and name with a #
as a value
Operations that can be performed on a string
If isLocalizable
is true, searches for the requested name in the list of locales provided here. If isLocalizable
is false, searches for the non-localized names.
Maximum number of records per page
Number of records to skip before returning records. For example, offset=20, limit=10
returns records 21-30.
Sorting criteria. Sorting is supported only on createdAt, updatedAt. -
refers to descending while +
refers to ascending order
Search response
Total number of records in the response
Collection attributes
24-character system-generated attribute ID
true: Attribute is inherited from its parent. <br /> false: Attribute isn't inherited from parent
true: Attribute name can be translated into different languages or localized for different regions. <br /> false: Attribute name can't be localized. Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant attributes based on locale.
Non-localized attribute name
Attribute type
Attribute validation - date
Date format. <br /> Applicable when attributeType is DATETIME
Attribute value
List of categories excluded
24-character system-generated category ID
true: Category name is translated into different languages or localized for different regions <br /> false: Category name isn't localized Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant details based on locale
Non-localized category name
List of categories included
24-character system-generated category ID
true: Category name is translated into different languages or localized for different regions <br /> false: Category name isn't localized Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant details based on locale
Non-localized category name
Immediate children of the specified collection
24-character system-generated ID of child collection
true: This is the last collection of the branch with no further children collections <br /> false: This isn't the last collection of the branch and has children collections
true: Collection name is translated into different languages or localized for different regions <br /> false: Collection name isn't localized Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant details based on locale
Non-localized name of child collection
Time of category creation (UTC)
24-character system-generated collection ID
true: Collection is active <br /> false: Collection is inactive
true: Collection name is translated into different languages or localized for different regions <br /> false: Collection name isn't localized Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant details based on locale
true: Collection is root category.<br /> false: Collection isn't a root category.
Non-localized collection name
Attribute filters applied to the category
24-character system-generated attribute ID
Filter conditions
, LT
, IN
true: Attribute name is translated into different languages or localized for different regions <br /> false: Attribute name isn't localized Note: Refer to localizedProperties
to get relevant attributes based on locale.
Non-localized attribute name
Attribute value to match filter condition
Time of last updated to category (UTC)
Email of user who last updated the category
Maximum number of records per page
Number of records to skip before returning records. For example, offset=20, limit=10
returns records 21-30.
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