The Loop Dropship integration seamlessly integrates with fabric Catalog and fabric Orders.


  • Ensure that you have Administrator privilege to fabric. For more detailed information on these settings, see the Role-Based Access Control section.

Configuring the Integration

  1. Submit a support request to fabric customer success with the following details:
    • Loop_api_key (Required)
    • Loop_webhook_secret (Required)
    • Loop_rma_number_mapping (Optional): The default mapping is with the id of the return. Retailers can use this option to map other values such as order_name. This field’s value is set as the return merchandise authorization RMA number in Dropship.
    • Return to vendor warehouse (Optional): Loop doesn’t provide data on where the return is being shipped by default. The return to vendor warehouse credential is used to set up the shipping address on the return. Choose one of the following options:
      • True: Create the return address on RMA to be set to the vendor’s warehouse.
      • False: RMA is created without any shipTo address. A tracking number is still available but no shipping address.
    • Select one of the following webhooks:
      • Return Created: This is the standard webhook for returns. Loop provides the return_created event and an RMA is created in fabric dropship.
      • Return Updated: This webhook enables you to create a return without an initial tracking number allowing you to later update the return with the tracking number once available.
Loop doesn’t support automatic enabling of webhooks for their API. Once set up, you need to manually enable the webhook on the Loop dashboard.

If a return fails to sync, fabric can identify the return based on the Webhook History ID, Order Number, or return ID. fabric will then retry retrieving the return information again.