The Shipments & Tracking dashboard allows you to see all the shipments sent by all of your suppliers in one spot.

Viewing the Shipments and Tracking Dashboard

  1. To view a filterable list of all the existing shipments, click Orders.

  2. On the Orders page, click Shipments & Tracking.

The Tracking #s page features a filterable list of all existing shipments with sortable column headers.

Column HeaderDescription
SupplierThe name of the supplier who sent the shipment.
ServiceThe shipping service the supplier used.
Tracking #The shipment tracking number. Clicking on an individual tracking number in the list opens the Shipment Detail window.
PO #The purchase order associated with the shipment.
RegisteredThe date the shipment was registered, shown in the user’s local time zone.
AcknowledgedThe date you (the retailer) acknowledged the shipment as complete.
TrackA direct link to the carrier’s website for tracking.

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