
Dropship enables retailers to create payments for the invoices generated by their suppliers. One payment can only contain invoices coming from a single supplier. Retailers will be able to pool multiple invoices together and create a single payment draft and add its details such as check number, check amount, and the date of payment.

Please note that this feature only facilitates creating payments against invoices to keep a record of supplier remittances. The feature doesn’t involve movement on money.

Create Payments

To create a payment, select Reports in the top header, then Payments.

Click on Create Payment

Use the Select Supplier dropdown menu to select the recipient for the payment, then click Continue.

You can select the invoices to be added individually, or use the Filter to narrow the list to a specific range.

Browse the list, or search for invoices, then select the checkbox next to it.

After the selection is complete, click on Actions and Add Invoice.

You can also Search for existing payments or see a list of Draft and Completed payments.

Adding credits to the payment

You can also add any existing credits to a payment. Credits are the amount a supplier has already been compensated with. This amount will be subtracted from the total invoice amount.

Once you have your invoices selected a payment in the Payment Detail screen, select the Add Credits link to the left.

Select the Credits from the list, then click Actions, Add Credits. In the confirmation dialog, select Save.

Adding adjustments to the payment

To add an adjustment to a payment, select Adjustments in the Payment Detail screen, select the Add Adjustment button.

Select the kind of adjustment from the dropdown menu, enter the Amount and a Description. Click the Save button. If you need to modify or delete the adjustment, click the Edit link.

Adding Check Information

Once all invoices, credits and adjustments are added, a final amount of payment will be automatically calculated.

Go to Payment Summary Page, to see the summary and check information.

Click on Edit and add the check information

  • Provide Check number
  • Check Amount
  • Check Issue Date

Once all details are added, click on Mark as paid and all invoices will be closed and payment information will be recorded.