With the Alerts feature, you can create alerts that notify you when whenever certain revenue or business-impacting events occur.

This topic covers the process of creating an alert from a template. You can also create an alert from scratch.

For an overview of the conceptual topics related to creating an alert, see the Alerts Conceptual Guide.


Ensure that you have Administrator privileges in Copilot. For more detailed information on these settings, see Role-Based Access Control.


  1. In the left menu, click Home > Alerts. The Alerts page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Alert. The Create alert page is displayed.

  3. Click Use Template.

  4. In the Use Template section, do the following:

    • Select the tab of the fabric application you want to set up the alert for; whether Orders, Inventory, or Product Catalog. The templates available for that application are displayed.
    • Select a template.
  5. Click Next. The Alert details section is displayed.

  6. In the Alert Name field, enter a name for the alert.

  7. In the Description field, enter a description of the alert.

Note: The fields in Alert trigger conditions are disabled when creating an alert from a template since they come preconfigured to trigger based on a specific event. For more details on editing the Alert trigger conditions fields, see the create an alert from scratch section.

  1. In the Look-back period field, select the frequency at which fabric checks for events that could have triggered the alert.

  2. Enter a value in the Low Severity, Medium Severity, and High Severity fields. For more detailed information on setting the severity threshold, see the Alerts Conceptual Guide.

  3. Click Next. The Review section is displayed.

  4. To receive email alerts about this event, in the Alert notification section, select Subscribe to this alert. Choosing to receive email alerts will only send an email to the address associated with your fabric account. Other users with shared access to your organization’s fabric account can [subscribe to this alert](link to configured alerts tab) or view events that triggered this alert on the Alerts homepage.

  5. Click Save.

The alert is created. You can access the alert in the Configured Alerts tab on the Alerts homepage.

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