Scheduled closures allow you to manage location availability for fulfillment to plan for holidays, weather events, and operational downtime.


  1. In the left menu, click Inventory > Locations.
    The Locations page is displayed.

  2. Click a location’s number.
    The Edit Location page is displayed.

  3. In the Location Status section, click the Scheduled Closures tab.
    The Scheduled Closures tab is displayed.

  4. Click Schedule Closure.
    The Schedule Closure window is displayed.

  5. To set the beginning date of the closure for the location, in the Start Closure Date field, enter the date.

    • Do one of the following:
      • Use the calendar to select the date.
      • Enter a date in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.
  6. To set the beginning time of the closure for the location, in the Start Closure Time field, enter the time.

    • Do one of the following:
      • Select a time.
      • Enter a time in hh:mm format and specify AM or PM.
        The time zone is recorded from your browser. fabric recommends you turn off any VPNs before setting up scheduled closures.
  7. To specify an end date and time for the closure, follow the instructions in steps 5 and 6 to configure the End Closure Date and End Closure Time fields.
    The Specify closure end date field is selected by default. If you don’t want to specify an end date, clear the selection.

  8. (Optional) To specify the shipping methods this closure applies to, do the following:

    • Clear the selection in the Applies to all shipping methods field.
      The Shipping methods field is displayed.
    • In the Shipping methods field, select the shipping methods the closure applies to.
      Note: SDD stands for same-day-delivery.
  9. In the Reason Code field, select the reason for the closure.
    NOTE: Contact fabric support for help setting up reason codes.

  10. (Optional) To add a short description about the reason for the closure, click Add Notes and enter a description.

  11. Click Schedule.

The outage is scheduled for the duration you defined.

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