This topic covers the process of viewing price import history, viewing import errors, and manually editing prices.

Viewing Import History

You can check the status of your upload by navigating to Import History. If the file contains errors, Offers flags the rows with issues. Once the upload is complete, you can download the CSV file with the errors, correct them, and re-upload the file.


  1. In the left menu, click Offers.
    The Products Pricing page is displayed.
  2. Click the Import History button.
    The Pricing Import History page is displayed.
  3. Click the > icon under the File Name to expand for details.
    You can view the Status and Message about the import job.
  4. (Optional) If the Status shows Error, click the Download CSV button under the Message column.
  5. (Optional) Navigate to your downloads folder and open the CSV file.
    The CSV file is displayed with an Error column that specifies the error.


SKU ID not foundA SKU ID doesn’t match the SKU of any product in your Product Catalog account.
Headers don’t match the price template headersThe headers don’t match the headers in the template.
Only numeric and decimal values are allowed in costThe cost column contains a character that isn’t a number or decimal.
Incorrect date format for Start/End Date (UTC). Use this date format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:00.000ZA date doesn’t match the correct format.
No price data foundThe price columns don’t contain any data.
Start Date (UTC)/Price is requiredData is missing from one of these two required fields.
Clearance price/Price/Cost price should always be >= 0.00The data in these columns must be greater than or equal to 0.
Cost can’t be greater than its corresponding PriceThe price must be greater than the cost.
Clearance price can’t be greater than or equal to its corresponding priceThe price must be greater than the clearance price.
The header for an additional attributes column isn’t correctly formattedThe header for an additional attributes column doesn’t use the correct format and must follow the format additionalAttributes.exampleAttribute.

Manually Editing Price

On the Products Pricing page, you can edit price details. Use the List View or Tile View to adjust how items are displayed.

  • Tile View: Displays images but includes less information.
  • List View: Includes more information but doesn’t display images.

To bulk edit the cost and price attributes for all variations of a product, such as colors, prints, or sizes, edit the parent product. To edit the cost and price attributes for a single product, such as only the green jacket, locate and edit the individual variant.

Offers supports up to five decimal places for price, cost, and clearance price values.


  1. In the left menu, click Offers.
    The Products Pricing page is displayed.
  2. To filter for a specific product, you can do the following:
    • Search by product name or item ID.
    • Click the dropdown menu to select a price list.
  3. Click the product you want to edit. The product information is displayed.
  4. Click the Edit SKU Price button. The Edit Parent SKU Price window is displayed.
  5. In the Edit Parent SKU Price window, enter the following values:
    • Cost
    • Base Price
    • Sale price
    • Start date
    • Start time You must include the Base Price, Start date, and Start time values.
  6. Click Add Price.

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