The Allocations tab displays all the allocations associated with a specific order number. This includes the allocation date, SKU, status, and additional allocation attributes.

Allocation Details

Each allocation has its own Allocation ID and you can have multiple allocations for a single order. Allocations are sorted by the most recent allocation request.

By default, each allocation displays Allocation ID, Parent allocation ID, Allocation request ID, and Allocation date. Clicking View more attributes displays the allocation attributes window with additional attributes.

The following table describes the different allocation attributes in the View more attributes window:

Allocation IDA unique allocation identifier.
Parent allocation IDThe Parent Allocation ID is initially the same as the Allocation ID. The Parent Allocation ID remains constant (is not updated) and is used to monitor all subsequent child allocations. TFor example, if a new allocation is assigned to an order and the Allocation ID is updated, the previous ID (Parent Allocation ID) can still be referenced.
Allocation request IDA merchant-specified unique ID. If omitted, this is generated by fabric’s sequence generator using the Configuration service.
Allocation dateThe allocation creation time in the UTC format.
Last updated dateA system-generated time indicating when the allocation record was last modified.
Location typeThe type of inventory location where the order is picked up, such as DC or Store.
Ship-from location nameThe Inventory location fulfilling the allocation.
Ship-from location numberThe inventory location number to identify the ship-from location or Buy Online Pickup from Store (BOPIS) location.
Ship-from location addressThe full address of the fulfillment location.
Shipment methodThe shipment method used to fulfill the allocation. For example, next day shipping.
RecipientThe recipient details such as name, email address, and phone number. If details are unavailable, the value is set to false.
Sent dateThe date and time the allocation shipment left the facility.
Ship to idA system-generated UUID associated with shipInfo, generated from the Cart and Checkout (CnC) service. Note that an order can have multiple ship-to or delivery locations, however the shipToId is the same for items going to the same location.
Ship to addressThe shipping address details.
TypeThe allocation type.
Allocated: The order is allocated for fulfillment.
Scratched: The order is cancelled during allocation due to unavailable inventory.
Returned: The allocation is created for returned items.
Shipment typeThe shipment type, such as, Pickup, Ship_To_Store, or Ship_To_Home, that is selected by the customer during checkout. This attribute is inherited from the order.shipInfo during allocation creation.
Order sub typeAn order subtype attribute that contains additional information on the order type. Use this setting to include additional order data such as region or device type which is not included in the order types, such as IOS, ANDROID, and INTERNATIONAL .
CurrencyThe currency used for the order.

Allocation table

The following table describes the additional attributes found in each individual allocation:

Line numberA system-generated number assigned to each item in an allocation.
SKUThe stock keeping unit (SKU), unique identifier of item. Clicking the SKU displays the Sku Details window containing pricing and attribute information.
AllocatedIndicates if the item is allocated. A 0 indicates the item is not allocated, a 1 indicates the item is allocated.
ShippedIndicates if the item is shipped. A 0 indicates the item is not shipped, a 1 indicates the item is shipped.
CancelledIndicates if the item is cancelled. A 0 indicates the item is not cancelled, a 1 indicates the item is cancelled.