The Order Alerts setup page displays an overview of the currently configured order alerts. Order alerts are used to monitor trailing metrics that can affect revenue and efficiency such as returns, cancellations, reorder rates, payment failures, and more.

Alerts are classified based on severity thresholds such as low, medium, and high severity levels. You can view the current status of all alerts on the Home > Alerts page.

Alert Table Field Descriptions

Alert nameThe alert name assigned when creating the alert.
DocumentThe module within Orders that the alert is for. The options are Order, Invoice, Allocation, or Inventory.
StatusThe current status, such as active or inactive, of the alert.
Created byThe tenant id of the user who created the alert.
Last updatedA system-generated time indicating when the allocation record was last modified.

Creating Order Alerts

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Alerts.

    The Alerts Setup page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Alert.

    The Create Alert page is displayed.

  3. In the Basic Information section, do the following:

    • Enter an alert name. For example, Low Orders Allocated.
    • Optionally provide an alert Description.
  4. In the Alert scope section, do the following:

    • In the Document field, select a document type.
    • In the Template field, select a template. Depending on the document type you select, the available templates for the document type are displayed. If you want to create a custom alert, follow the instructions in the Creating fabric Alerts documentation.
    • In the Low Severity field, enter a number representing the low severity threshold to trigger a low alert.
    • In the Medium Severity field, enter a number representing the medium severity threshold to trigger a medium alert.
    • In the High Severity field, enter a number representing the high severity threshold to trigger a high alert.
  5. In the Alert notification section, select the Notify by email as required.

If you don’t select the Notify by email field, email notifications aren’t sent to users who are subscribed to alerts. However, the alert is still displayed on the Home > Alerts page.

If you select the Notify by email field, fabric automatically sends email alert notifications to users who have subscribed to alerts. For more information on how to subscribe to an alert, see the Managing fabric Alerts documentation.

Editing an Alert

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Alerts.

    The Alerts Setup page is displayed.

  2. In the Alert name column, click an alert.

    The View Alert page is displayed. You can edit the details in the Basic Information, Alert Scope, and Alert notification sections. For more information on each of the fields, see the Creating Order Alerts section.

  3. To save the alert, click Edit.

The edits are saved and the Last updated field in the Alerts Setup page is updated.

Deactivating Alerts

Note: Currently, alerts can’t be deleted. You can only deactivate an alert if you don’t wish to receive a notification.

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Alerts.

    The Alerts Setup page is displayed.

  2. In the Alert name column, click an alert.

    The View Alert page is displayed.

  3. Click the Active toggle.

    The deactivate alert window is displayed.

  4. Click Yes, Deactivate.

    The Active toggle now displays Inactive. The system auto saves these changes.

  5. To return to the Alerts Setup page, click Cancel

The status of the alert is set to Inactive in the Status column in the alert setup table .