Order attributes let you create a range of custom attributes you can apply to Orders, Invoices, Locations, Networks, and more. For example, you could create a custom attribute that would allow customers to select gift wrapping at checkout.

To navigate to the Attributes page, click Settings in the left menu and then select Attributes.

You can search for an attribute, use filter conditions to tailor your search, and sort the results in ascending or descending order.

Attributes Table Field Descriptions

The Attributes table displays a list of all previously created Attributes.

NameThe attribute name assigned when creating the attribute.
SectionThe section within Orders that the attribute field will be used in. The options are Location, Order, Shipment, Invoice, Allocation, or Inventory.
Data typeThe data type associated with the attribute. For example, String, Boolean, Double, or Enum.
MandatoryDetermines if the attribute is mandatory. Mandatory attributes must be provided when making API calls to the Section its assigned to. The value can be Yes or No.

Creating Order Attributes

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Attributes.

    The Attributes page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Attribute.

    The Create Attribute page is displayed.

  3. In the Attribute name field, enter an attribute name.

  4. To make the attribute mandatory, select the Mandatory attribute field.

  5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

  6. In the Data type field, select a data type. For example, Integer or Boolean.

  7. In the Document field, select a document type.

    This field is used to map the attribute to the fabric API endpoint. For example, if you select inventory and the attribute is a mandatory attribute, you must provide this attribute and its value when making an API call to inventory.

  8. In the Object field, select an object.

    The object field is used to further classify where an attribute lives. For example, if you select the Order document type and shipInfo object. The attribute lives under the order.shipInfo object as the order.shipInfo.shopToType attribute.

  9. Click Save.

The attribute is added to the attribute table on the Attributes page.

Editing an Attribute

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Attributes.

    The Attributes page is displayed.

  2. In the Name column of the attribute table, click an attribute.

    The Edit Attribute page is displayed.

    Note that you can only edit the Description and Object values.

  3. To save edits to the attribute, click Save.

    The edits are saved.

Deleting Attributes

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Attributes.

    The Attributes page is displayed.

  2. In the attribute table, hover over the attribute you wish to remove and click the delete icon.

    The Are you sure you want to delete this attribute? page is displayed.

  3. Click, Yes, Delete.

The attribute is deleted and removed from the attribute table on the Attributes page.

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