Policies allow you to define how your business processes returns, cancellations, and exchanges.

Any number of policies are supported, however, you can only have a one default policy each for returns, cancellations, and exchanges. Default policies apply when no other policy condition is met. For example, the default return policy might have a 5$ return fee. However, for items with the Overweight attribute, the return fee should be higher. By creating a policy that looks for the product attribute Overweight, returns and exchanges with this attribute can be handled differently.


  • Ensure that you have Administrator or Editor privileges to fabric Orders. For more detailed information on these settings, see the Role-Based Access Control section.

Policies Table Field Descriptions

NameThe policy name assigned when creating the policy.
Policy typeThe type of policy. Policies can be Cancellation, Exchange, or Return.
ChannelsThe channels the policy is applied to.
CurrenciesThe currencies used for any fees associated with the policy.
Last updatedA system-generated time indicating when the policy was last modified.
StatusThe status indicating whether a policy is set as the default.

Standard filters and searching

You can use the search field to find a policy by its name. If you don’t know the policy name, you can use the following standard filters to refine the policies in the Policies table:

ChannelThe channel name, depending on the available channels. The default available options are United States or Canada. You can use any other channels created in fabric Experiences or using the APIs.
CurrencyThe three-digit currency code used to process policy fees.
Policy typeThe type of policy. You can filter the policies based on the type of the policy, such as Cancellation, Exchange, and Return.

Creating a Policy

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Policies.

    The Policies page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Policy.

    The Create Policy page is displayed.

  3. In the Policy name field, enter a self-explanatory name.

    For example, US Return Policy.

  4. In the Policy type field, select one of the following:

    • Return
    • Cancellation
    • Exchange
  5. (Optional) Click the Set as default returns policy field.

    Each of the policy types can have one default policy associated with them. This means you can have a default return, cancellation, and exchange policy.

  6. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the policy.

  7. (Optional) Click the Apply to all channels field.

    Selecting this option automatically applies the policy to all your channels.

    Don’t select this option if this policy doesn’t apply to different regions/countries.
  8. In the Channels field, select the channels you want the policy to apply to.

    This field is disabled if you selected the Apply to all channels field.

Depending on the Policy type that’s selected, the Returns, Exchange, or Cancellation section is displayed.

  1. For the selected section, enter the following details to specify the duration of each operation:

    • Days
    • Hours
    • Minutes
    • Seconds

    The values entered in these fields determine the time frames for returns, cancellations, or exchanges for this policy.

  2. To create a refund fee, in the Refund Fee field, do the following:

    • In the Currency field, select a currency.
    • In the Fee type field, enter a description for the fee.
    • In the Return fee field, enter a dollar amount.
    • Click Add.

    The Refund Fee is added to the refund fee table.

    Cancellations don’t support Refund Fees.
  3. To create Reason Codes, click Add reason code.

  4. In the Add reason code window, do the following:

    • In the Code field, enter the reason code.
    • In the Description field, enter a description for the reason code.
    • Click Save.

    The reason code is added to the Reason Codes table.

  5. To include product attributes in the policy, click Add product attribute.

    Three new fields appear in the Product Attribute Selection section. This section is used to apply policies to specific items.

  6. In the Product attribute field, select a product attribute.

    This field is populated based on your product catalog attributes.

  7. In the Operator field, select an operator.

  8. In the Values field, select a value.

  9. Click Save at the top-right of the page.

The policy is created and added to the policy table on the Policies page. If you set the policy as default, the status is set to Default and the policy appears sorted at the top of the table.

Managing Policies

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Policies.

    The Policies page is displayed.

  2. Using the Policies table and filter options, find the policy you want to edit.

  3. Click the policy Name or hover over the policy and click Edit.

    The Edit page is displayed.

    Note: If the policy is a default policy, you can’t edit the Basic Information section.

  4. Edit the policy following the steps outlined in the Creating a Policy section.

  5. Click Save.

The Last updated field in the Policies table is updated and the policy saved.

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