
Before creating items in Product Catalog, proper attribute mapping is essential to ensure other systems can read and use data from Product Catalog.


Ensure you have administrator privileges to fabric Product Catalog. For more information, see Role-Based Access Control.


  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Settings > Attribute mapping.
    The Product Settings page is displayed.
  2. In the SKU dropdown, select the attribute you will use for SKU values.
  3. In the Product title dropdown, select the attribute you will use for product titles.
  4. In the Primary Product Image dropdown, select the attribute you will use for the primary product image.
  5. In the Active dropdown, select the attribute you will use to set the item’s status.
  6. In the Variant dropdown, select an attribute you will use to identify variants.
  7. Click Save.

The product attributes are mapped.

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