List of Orders Events
The following tables list all the available events for fabric Orders.
If a failure to deliver an event occurs, fabric automatically retries up to 3 times to deliver the failed event.
Event Type | Description |
ALLOCATION_CREATE_BOPIS | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a Buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item. |
ALLOCATION_CREATE_GIFTCARD | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a gift card. |
ALLOCATION_CREATE_SDD | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a same-day delivery item. |
ALLOCATION_CREATE_SHIP | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a web ship item. |
ALLOCATION_DC | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a DC item. |
ALLOCATION_RETURN_LPN | Event triggered when an allocation document is created for a returned item with return type RECEIVED . |
Event Type | Description |
APPEASEMENT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when an appeasement is applied to the order. |
BACKORDER_30_DAYS_CONSENT_TO_DELAY_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is created on the first day of the month, but backorder items aren’t in ALLOCATED state on the 30th day to get the customer’s consent. |
BACKORDER_53_DAYS_CONSENT_TO_DELAY_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is created on the first day of the month, but backorder items aren’t in ALLOCATED state on the 53rd day to get the customer’s consent. |
BACKORDER_AUTH_DECLINE_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order’s backorder authorization was declined by the customer. |
BACKORDER_CANCEL_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is cancelled because its items are backordered. |
BACKORDER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is backordered. |
BOPIS_ORDER_COMPLETED | Event triggered when an order is created and picked up by the customer. |
BOPIS_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a pickup order is created that contains multiple items. |
BOPIS_ORDER_READY_FOR_PICKUP | Event triggered when a pickup order is fulfilled. |
BOPIS_REMINDER_EMAIL | Event triggered when a pickup order is created and fulfilled, but the customer has not picked it up. |
EXCHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when an exchange for an order is updated. |
MULTI_ITEM_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a web ship order is created that contains multiple items. |
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_LOCATE_ORDER_ITEM_CANCEL | Event triggered when an order is cancelled because an item in the order couldn’t be located. |
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_WEBCSC_ORDER_CANCEL | Event triggered when an order is fully canceled. |
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_WEBCSC_ORDER_ITEM_CANCEL | Event triggered when an order is partially canceled. |
REFUND_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is refunded. |
RETURN_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when an order is fully returned with return type RECEIVED and the refund is successful. |
SHIPPING_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a web ship order is created and its shipment is also created. |
SINGLE_ITEM_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a web ship order is created that contains a single item. |
Cross Border
Event Type | Description |
CROSS_BORDER_VALIDATION | Event triggered when the cross border service completes validation for the order. |
ORDER_HOLD_CROSSBORDER | Event triggered when an order is placed on hold while cross border service processes validation. |
Event Type | Description |
EXCHANGE_PENDING | Event triggered when an item is exchanged with return type PENDING and exchange flag TRUE . |
EXCHANGE_TO_SHIPMENT | Event triggered when an item is exchanged with return type RECEIVED , exchange flag TRUE , and initiate re-shipment is TRUE . |
Event Type | Description |
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the aggregated network exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export aggregated network based on various filters. |
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the allocation exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export allocation based on various filters. |
EXPORT_INVENTORY_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the inventory exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_INVENTORY_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_INVENTORY_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export inventory based on various filters. |
EXPORT_INVOICE_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the invoice exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_INVOICE_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_INVOICE_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export invoice based on various filters. |
EXPORT_LOCATION_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the location exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_LOCATION_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_LOCATION_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export location based on various filters. |
EXPORT_NETWORK_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the network exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_NETWORK_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_NETWORK_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export inventory based on various filters. |
EXPORT_ORDER_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the orders exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_ORDER_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_ORDER_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export orders based on various filters. |
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the shipment exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export orders based on various filters. |
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_COMPLETED | Event triggered once the export process is completed, and the shipping methods exported file is ready to be downloaded. |
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_ERROR | Event triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue. |
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_INITIATED | Event triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export shipping methods based on various filters. |
Event Type | Description |
FRAUD_CANCEL | Event triggered when an order has been canceled due to failed fraud checks. |
FRAUD_RELEASE | Event triggered when an order has been passed fraud checks and is released for processing. |
FRAUD_STATUS_PENDING | Event triggered when fraud status is pending. |
Event Type | Description |
GIFTCARD_ACTIVATE | Event triggered when a shipment document is created for a gift card and is activated. |
PICKUP_COMPLETED | Event triggered when a buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item is picked up by the customer. |
PICKUP_CREATED | Event triggered when a shipment document is created for a buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item. |
SHIPMENT_CANCELLED | Event triggered when a shipment document is canceled for an item. |
SHIPMENT_CREATED | Event triggered when a shipment document is created for an item. |
SHIPMENT_UPDATE | Event triggered when a shipment document is updated for an item. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_CANCELLED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is cancelled. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_CREATED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is created. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_DELIVERED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is delivered. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_DRAFT | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is in draft state. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_ERROR | Event triggered when a transfer shipment has errors. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_PACKED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is packed. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_RECEIVED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is received at the destination store. |
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_STOCKED | Event triggered when a transfer shipment is stocked. |
Event Type | Description |
HIGH_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a high severity alert is triggered. |
LOW_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a low severity alert is triggered. |
MEDIUM_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | Event triggered when a medium severity alert is triggered. |
Event Type | Description |
INVENTORY_BULK | Event triggered when an inventory file is imported. |
INVENTORY_CREATE | Event triggered when an inventory is created. |
INVENTORY_NETWORK_AGGREGATION | Event triggered when a network aggregation job is completed. |
INVENTORY_NETWORK_UPDATED | Event triggered when the inventory network is updated. |
INVENTORY_UPDATE | Event triggered when a inventory is updated. |
Event Type | Description |
INVOICE_POSTING | Event triggered when an Invoice is created for a shipped item. |
Event Type | Description |
ORDER_ALLOCATED | Event triggered when an order is allocated. |
ORDER_CANCELLATION_COUPON_REVERSAL | Event triggered when an order is cancelled and a coupon is reversed. |
ORDER_CANCELLED | Event triggered when an order is cancelled. |
ORDER_CONFIRMED | Event triggered when order enrichment is successful. |
ORDER_CREATE | Event triggered when an order is created. |
ORDER_DELIVERED | Event triggered when an order is delivered. |
ORDER_ERROR | Event triggered when an order update has an error. |
ORDER_HOLD | Event triggered when an order is on hold. |
ORDER_HOLD_CSR | Event triggered when an order has invalid data. |
ORDER_HOLD_FRAUD | Event triggered when an order’s fraud verification fails. |
ORDER_HOLD_REVALIDATION | Event triggered when an order is on hold and revalidated. |
ORDER_PARTIALLY_CANCELLED | Event triggered when an order is partially cancelled. |
ORDER_PARTIALLY_DELIVERED | Event triggered when an order is partially delivered. |
ORDER_PARTIALLY_SHIPPED | Event triggered when an order is partially shipped. |
ORDER_SHIPPED | Event triggered when an order is shipped. |
Event Type | Description |
ORDER_CANCELLED_IN_PTS | Event triggered when an order is cancelled in Orders. |
ORDER_CREATE_IN_PTS | Event triggered when an order is created in Orders. |
SHIPMENT_CANCELLED_IN_PTS | Event triggered when a shipment is canceled in Orders. |
SHIPMENT_CREATE_IN_PTS | Event triggered when a shipment is created in Orders. |
Event Type | Description |
ORDER_PARTIALLY_RETURNED | Event triggered when an order is partially returned with return type RECEIVED . |
ORDER_RETURNED | Event triggered when an order is fully returned with return type RECEIVED . |
RETURN_PENDING | Event triggered when an order is returned with return type PENDING . |
RETURN_PROCESSING | Event triggered when an order is returned with return type PROCESSING . |
RETURN_REJECTED | Event triggered when an order is returned with return type REJECTED . |
Event Type | Description |
TRANSER_CREATED | Event triggered when a transfer is created. |
TRANSER_HOLD_REVALIDATION | Event triggered when there is a server error from Product Catalog. |
TRANSFER_DELIVERED | Event triggered when a transfer is delivered. |
TRANSFER_DRAFT | Event triggered when a transfer is in draft state. |
TRANSFER_ERROR | Event triggered when a transfer has an error. |
TRANSFER_HOLD_CSR | Event triggered when a transfer is in hold CSR state, such as an invalid SKU. |
TRANSFER_PACKED | Event triggered when a transfer is packed; for example, when items are loaded in cartons. |
TRANSFER_PARITALLY_REJECTED | Event triggered when a transfer is partially rejected. |
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_PACKED | Event triggered when a transfer is partially packed. |
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_PICKED_UP | Event triggered when a transfer is partially picked up. |
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_STOCKCED | Event triggered when a transfer is partially stocked; for example, when it’s ready to sell at the destination store. |
TRANSFER_PICKCED_UP | Event triggered when a transfer is picked up. |
TRANSFER_RECEIVED | Event triggered when a transfer is received. |
TRANSFER_REJECTED | Event triggered when a transfer is rejected. |
TRANSFER_SHIPPED | Event triggered when a transfer is shipped. |
TRANSFER_STOCKED | Event triggered when a transfer is stocked and ready to sell at the destination store. |
TRANSFER_SUBMITTED | Event triggered when a transfer is submitted from DRAFT or CREATED . |
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