The following tables list all the available events for fabric Orders.

If a failure to deliver an event occurs, fabric automatically retries up to 3 times to deliver the failed event.


Event TypeDescription
ALLOCATION_CREATE_BOPISEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a Buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item.
ALLOCATION_CREATE_GIFTCARDEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a gift card.
ALLOCATION_CREATE_SDDEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a same-day delivery item.
ALLOCATION_CREATE_SHIPEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a web ship item.
ALLOCATION_DCEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a DC item.
ALLOCATION_RETURN_LPNEvent triggered when an allocation document is created for a returned item with return type RECEIVED.


Event TypeDescription
APPEASEMENT_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when an appeasement is applied to the order.
BACKORDER_30_DAYS_CONSENT_TO_DELAY_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is created on the first day of the month, but backorder items aren’t in ALLOCATED state on the 30th day to get the customer’s consent.
BACKORDER_53_DAYS_CONSENT_TO_DELAY_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is created on the first day of the month, but backorder items aren’t in ALLOCATED state on the 53rd day to get the customer’s consent.
BACKORDER_AUTH_DECLINE_EMAILEvent triggered when an order’s backorder authorization was declined by the customer.
BACKORDER_CANCEL_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is cancelled because its items are backordered.
BACKORDER_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is backordered.
BOPIS_ORDER_COMPLETEDEvent triggered when an order is created and picked up by the customer.
BOPIS_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a pickup order is created that contains multiple items.
BOPIS_ORDER_READY_FOR_PICKUPEvent triggered when a pickup order is fulfilled.
BOPIS_REMINDER_EMAILEvent triggered when a pickup order is created and fulfilled, but the customer has not picked it up.
EXCHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when an exchange for an order is updated.
MULTI_ITEM_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a web ship order is created that contains multiple items.
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_LOCATE_ORDER_ITEM_CANCELEvent triggered when an order is cancelled because an item in the order couldn’t be located.
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_WEBCSC_ORDER_CANCELEvent triggered when an order is fully canceled.
ORDER_CANCELLATION_EMAIL_WEBCSC_ORDER_ITEM_CANCELEvent triggered when an order is partially canceled.
REFUND_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is refunded.
RETURN_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when an order is fully returned with return type RECEIVED and the refund is successful.
SHIPPING_CONFIRMATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a web ship order is created and its shipment is also created.
SINGLE_ITEM_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a web ship order is created that contains a single item.

Cross Border

Event TypeDescription
CROSS_BORDER_VALIDATIONEvent triggered when the cross border service completes validation for the order.
ORDER_HOLD_CROSSBORDEREvent triggered when an order is placed on hold while cross border service processes validation.


Event TypeDescription
EXCHANGE_PENDINGEvent triggered when an item is exchanged with return type PENDING and exchange flag TRUE.
EXCHANGE_TO_SHIPMENTEvent triggered when an item is exchanged with return type RECEIVED, exchange flag TRUE, and initiate re-shipment is TRUE.


Event TypeDescription
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the aggregated network exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_AGGREGATED_NETWORK_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export aggregated network based on various filters.
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the allocation exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_ALLOCATION_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export allocation based on various filters.
EXPORT_INVENTORY_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the inventory exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_INVENTORY_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_INVENTORY_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export inventory based on various filters.
EXPORT_INVOICE_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the invoice exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_INVOICE_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_INVOICE_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export invoice based on various filters.
EXPORT_LOCATION_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the location exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_LOCATION_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_LOCATION_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export location based on various filters.
EXPORT_NETWORK_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the network exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_NETWORK_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_NETWORK_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export inventory based on various filters.
EXPORT_ORDER_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the orders exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_ORDER_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_ORDER_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export orders based on various filters.
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the shipment exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_SHIPMENT_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export orders based on various filters.
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_COMPLETEDEvent triggered once the export process is completed, and the shipping methods exported file is ready to be downloaded.
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_ERROREvent triggered in case of export failures. This might happen due to an internal error, and must be reported to the fabric support team to solve the issue.
EXPORT_SHIPPING_METHODS_INITIATEDEvent triggered once the export request is received by the fabric export service to export shipping methods based on various filters.


Event TypeDescription
FRAUD_CANCELEvent triggered when an order has been canceled due to failed fraud checks.
FRAUD_RELEASEEvent triggered when an order has been passed fraud checks and is released for processing.
FRAUD_STATUS_PENDINGEvent triggered when fraud status is pending.


Event TypeDescription
GIFTCARD_ACTIVATEEvent triggered when a shipment document is created for a gift card and is activated.
PICKUP_COMPLETEDEvent triggered when a buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item is picked up by the customer.
PICKUP_CREATEDEvent triggered when a shipment document is created for a buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) item.
SHIPMENT_CANCELLEDEvent triggered when a shipment document is canceled for an item.
SHIPMENT_CREATEDEvent triggered when a shipment document is created for an item.
SHIPMENT_UPDATEEvent triggered when a shipment document is updated for an item.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_CANCELLEDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is cancelled.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_CREATEDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is created.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_DELIVEREDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is delivered.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_DRAFTEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is in draft state.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_ERROREvent triggered when a transfer shipment has errors.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_PACKEDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is packed.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_RECEIVEDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is received at the destination store.
TRANSFER_SHIPMENT_STOCKEDEvent triggered when a transfer shipment is stocked.


Event TypeDescription
HIGH_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a high severity alert is triggered.
LOW_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a low severity alert is triggered.
MEDIUM_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_EMAILEvent triggered when a medium severity alert is triggered.


Event TypeDescription
INVENTORY_BULKEvent triggered when an inventory file is imported.
INVENTORY_CREATEEvent triggered when an inventory is created.
INVENTORY_NETWORK_AGGREGATIONEvent triggered when a network aggregation job is completed.
INVENTORY_NETWORK_UPDATEDEvent triggered when the inventory network is updated.
INVENTORY_UPDATEEvent triggered when a inventory is updated.


Event TypeDescription
INVOICE_POSTINGEvent triggered when an Invoice is created for a shipped item.


Event TypeDescription
ORDER_ALLOCATEDEvent triggered when an order is allocated.
ORDER_CANCELLATION_COUPON_REVERSALEvent triggered when an order is cancelled and a coupon is reversed.
ORDER_CANCELLEDEvent triggered when an order is cancelled.
ORDER_CONFIRMEDEvent triggered when order enrichment is successful.
ORDER_CREATEEvent triggered when an order is created.
ORDER_DELIVEREDEvent triggered when an order is delivered.
ORDER_ERROREvent triggered when an order update has an error.
ORDER_HOLDEvent triggered when an order is on hold.
ORDER_HOLD_CSREvent triggered when an order has invalid data.
ORDER_HOLD_FRAUDEvent triggered when an order’s fraud verification fails.
ORDER_HOLD_REVALIDATIONEvent triggered when an order is on hold and revalidated.
ORDER_PARTIALLY_CANCELLEDEvent triggered when an order is partially cancelled.
ORDER_PARTIALLY_DELIVEREDEvent triggered when an order is partially delivered.
ORDER_PARTIALLY_SHIPPEDEvent triggered when an order is partially shipped.
ORDER_SHIPPEDEvent triggered when an order is shipped.


Event TypeDescription
ORDER_CANCELLED_IN_PTSEvent triggered when an order is cancelled in Orders.
ORDER_CREATE_IN_PTSEvent triggered when an order is created in Orders.
SHIPMENT_CANCELLED_IN_PTSEvent triggered when a shipment is canceled in Orders.
SHIPMENT_CREATE_IN_PTSEvent triggered when a shipment is created in Orders.


Event TypeDescription
ORDER_PARTIALLY_RETURNEDEvent triggered when an order is partially returned with return type RECEIVED.
ORDER_RETURNEDEvent triggered when an order is fully returned with return type RECEIVED.
RETURN_PENDINGEvent triggered when an order is returned with return type PENDING.
RETURN_PROCESSINGEvent triggered when an order is returned with return type PROCESSING.
RETURN_REJECTEDEvent triggered when an order is returned with return type REJECTED.


Event TypeDescription
TRANSER_CREATEDEvent triggered when a transfer is created.
TRANSER_HOLD_REVALIDATIONEvent triggered when there is a server error from Product Catalog.
TRANSFER_DELIVEREDEvent triggered when a transfer is delivered.
TRANSFER_DRAFTEvent triggered when a transfer is in draft state.
TRANSFER_ERROREvent triggered when a transfer has an error.
TRANSFER_HOLD_CSREvent triggered when a transfer is in hold CSR state, such as an invalid SKU.
TRANSFER_PACKEDEvent triggered when a transfer is packed; for example, when items are loaded in cartons.
TRANSFER_PARITALLY_REJECTEDEvent triggered when a transfer is partially rejected.
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_PACKEDEvent triggered when a transfer is partially packed.
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_PICKED_UPEvent triggered when a transfer is partially picked up.
TRANSFER_PARTIALLY_STOCKCEDEvent triggered when a transfer is partially stocked; for example, when it’s ready to sell at the destination store.
TRANSFER_PICKCED_UPEvent triggered when a transfer is picked up.
TRANSFER_RECEIVEDEvent triggered when a transfer is received.
TRANSFER_REJECTEDEvent triggered when a transfer is rejected.
TRANSFER_SHIPPEDEvent triggered when a transfer is shipped.
TRANSFER_STOCKEDEvent triggered when a transfer is stocked and ready to sell at the destination store.
TRANSFER_SUBMITTEDEvent triggered when a transfer is submitted from DRAFT or CREATED.

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