
The logs provide you with a comprehensive overview of events with the details, such as event date, type, subscriptions name, log type, status, and endpoint.

The detailed view of an event log provides more information, such as the status code of the event, its name, the name of the subscription it’s linked to, the endpoint URL, the number of attempts made, the version of the event and when it got triggered, the time it was delivered, the details of the request, and the response details. You can use these information to track and troubleshoot issues during event operations over the last seven days.

You can search for a specific event and filter events based on date, event type, status code, or subscription name. You can also sort the logs by clicking a specific field in the top menu or selecting a particular option within that field.


Ensure that you have Developer Admin or Developer Viewer privileges. For more information, see the Role-Based Access Control topic.

Viewing Logs

  1. In the left menu, click Settings > Developer Tools.
  2. Click Webhooks.
    The Webhooks page is displayed.
  3. Click the All logs tab.
    The logs of all event are displayed.
  4. To view the log details of an event, hover over the row of the event.
  5. On the far right of the row, click the Event Details icon.
    The Event information page displays the following information:
    • Status Code
    • **Name of the event **
    • Subscription name
    • URL endpoint
    • Attempts
    • Event version
    • Triggered at
    • Delivered at
    • Request Details
    • Response details
      If you want to resend the event, you can click the Resend button.
  6. To close the detailed view, click Close.

Replaying Events

You can use the replay feature to resend all events for a specific subscription within a designated date range to diagnose any event failures during that period. For example, if you want to investigate the delivery failure of one or more events from a specific period, you can replay all events recorded during that time frame. Note that, you can only replay events recorded during the last seven days.


  1. In the left menu, click Settings > Developer Tools.

  2. Click Webhooks.
    The Webhooks page is displayed.

  3. Click the All logs tab.
    The logs of all event are displayed.

  4. To replay the events of a subscription, click the Replay events button at the top right.
    The Replay events tab is displayed.

  5. In the Subscription name field, select the name of the subscription.

  6. In the Select dates field, select the date range.

  7. In the Select time field, select the time range.

  8. Click Replay events.
    Note that this action replays all of the events for the selected subscription.

  9. Refresh the page and check the log to see the status.

Resending Events

If a failure to deliver an event occurs, fabric automatically retries up to 3 times to deliver the failed event.

  1. In the left menu, click Settings > Developer Tools.
  2. Click Webhooks.
    The Webhooks page is displayed.
  3. Click the All logs tab.
    The logs of all event are displayed.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To resend an event, select the check box next to the name of the event, and then click Resend events.
    • To resend more than one event, select the check box next to the name of the events, and then click Resend Events.
    • To resend all events, select the checkbox in the top menu, next to the Status code field, and then click Resend events.
      A message to confirm the action is prompted. Note that resending events can impact your data and downstream processes.
  5. Click Yes, Resend Event.
    The selected events are queued to resend and a message to refresh the page to view the status is displayed.
  6. Click Refresh.
    The all logs page is refreshed and the status is updated.

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