
In fabric Orders, the term “pickup” can refer to orders that will be picked up by the customer, or orders that will be shipped.

To visit the Pickups screen, select Pickups from the navigation at the bottom.

User Settings

Click on the user’s initials at the top-left of the page to visit the settings section, where you can make changes to various in-app settings.

Filtering Orders

Click the Filter Orders button at the top-right of the Pickups page to open the Filters menu. You can filter orders by their status, including Arrived, Delayed, and Canceled. After you’ve set up the filter settings, click Save to view results.

To remove filters, click the Filter Orders button again, select Clear, and then click Save.

Customer and Carrier Toggle

The Customer and Carrier toggle allows you to switch between the Customer and Carrier views.

The Customer view shows orders that will be picked up at the store by the customer, with the tag Pickup for buy-online pickup in-store orders, or Curbside for curbside orders. Information including the pickup date, customer name, and number of parcels also accompanies each order.

The Carrier view shows orders that need to be shipped to the customer, with the ship by date and the recipient’s name.

Processing Pickups

To process a pickup, select an order from the Pickups main screen. You will be directed to the pickup details screen with the pickup person’s contact information and a summary of the items and parcels in the order.

To make updates on the status of the order, use the back button to return to the Pickups main screen and press the ellipses button to access. From the dropdown that appears, you can set the order to:

  • Customer left marks the status of the order as delayed.
  • Mark as completed updates the status of the order to complete.
  • Unpack/return to shelf cancels the order.

Press the Scan Parcel Labels button at the bottom of the screen to process the pickup.

From the scanner view, use the back button at the top left to return to the order summary page and press the ellipses at the top right to manually enter a parcel’s bar code number.

Use the capture button at the bottom to scan the barcode of each parcel in the order.

Once all parcels have been scanned, press the Get Signature button to get the customer’s signature.

Press Done after they’ve signed, and then press Complete to finish the pickup process.

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