The order lookup feature is used to search for orders associated with your selected store location. fabric integrates with inventory and order management systems to display order information, such as the tracking number, order date, and status.

Only orders from your selected store location are displayed.

Searching for an Order

  1. To view the Order Lookup page, in the left menu, click Order Lookup .

  2. In the default search fields, enter required information, such as the Order # or Customer Phone #.

    • Order #: The unique order identifier assigned to an order during checkout.
    • Customer First Name: The customer’s first name.
    • Customer Last Name: The customer’s last name.
    • Customer Phone #: The customer’s primary phone number.
    • Customer Email Address: The customer’s primary email address.
    • Loyalty #: The customer’s loyalty number.
    • Zip Code: The customer’s zip code.
  3. Click Search Order.

The order lookup table is displayed with a list of results.

Order Lookup Result Table

A successful search displays a table containing any orders that meet the search criteria. For example, searching by a customer’s phone number displays all orders associated with that phone number for your store location. The results are sorted by the most recent order date.

Customer NameThe first and last name of the customer.
Order #The unique order identifier assigned to an order during checkout.
StatusThe current status of the order.
Total UnitsThe number of items the order contains.
Order TypeThe origin of the order, such as Point of Sale (POS), Web (Online), or Customer Service Representative (CSR).
Order DateThe date the order was placed in the month/day/year format.
Orders can contain hundreds of attributes and some sensitive information. To view more information on an order, you must log in to Orders in Copilot.

Filtering results

The Order Lookup results table allows you to add additional filters for three categories:

  • Customer Details
  • Date
  • Zip Code.
  1. To add additional filters, click the filter icon.

    The Filters window is displayed.

  2. To display the available filters, select one of the following categories:

    • Customer Details: Filters by customer details, such as first name, last name, phone number, email, or loyalty number.
    • Date: Filters by the time when an order was created, such as within the last 30 days or 60 days.
    • Zip Code: Filters by the customer’s zip code.
  3. Enter additional details for the selected filter.

  4. Click Apply Filter.

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