Adjustments are used to streamline store-level inventory management by automatically adjusting stock levels based on real-time sales and fulfillment activities. By integrating with Point-Of-Sale (POS) systems and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), fabric ensures accurate inventory counts and prevents stockouts or overstocks.

You can view adjustments by clicking Adjustments in the left menu.

Currently, anyone can approve or cancel an adjustment.

Filtering Adjustments

You can search for a specific adjustment by entering the Adjustment # in the search bar.

Adjustments can be filtered by status or by reason codes. You can also select multiple filters. After you select a filter, the adjustment table is automatically updated.

Selecting the refresh button refreshes the adjustment table and clears all filters.

Adjustments Table

The adjustments table displays all the adjustments for a particular store. By default, this table displays the most recently created adjustments.

The table only displays the adjustments for the store in the last 30 days. Older adjustments must be filtered using the Adjustment # in the search field.
Adjustment #A unique adjustment identifier assigned for an adjustment by the system when you create it.
Reason CodeThe reason code given to the adjustment when it was created.
Created ByDisplays who created the adjustment.
Created DateDisplays the month and year the adjustment was made.
StatusDisplays the current adjustment status.

Adjustment statuses

Adjustment statuses track the progress of an adjustment.

REQUESTEDIndicates that the adjustment is pending approval.
COMPLETEDIndicates that the adjustment is approved and inventory was updated.
CANCELEDIndicates that the adjustment isn’t approved and was canceled.

Reason codes

Reason codes are used to categorize and explain the reason for an adjustment to the inventory. These codes provide context for the adjustment and help track trends or identify issues.

Reason codes are separated into two categories:

  • Adding inventory
  • Removing inventory
The following codes are suggested reason codes. These can be customized as needed.

Add units

Codes that increase a stores inventory.

Reason CodeDescription
MANUAL_ADJUSTMENTIndicates that inventory was found and other reason codes don’t apply.
MARKETINGIndicates the item is no longer being used for marketing purposes.
WRONG ITEM SHIPPED TO CUSTOMERIndicates the item was returned to the store by a customer who received the wrong item.
MISSING UNITS SHIPMENT/TRANSFERIndicates the item was included in a shipment or transfer but excluded from the receivings list.

Remove units

Codes that reduce a store’s inventory.

Reason CodeDescription
DAMAGEDIndicates the item is damaged.
INSURANCE CLAIMIndicates the item is damaged and covered under warranty.
DESTROY AT STOREIndicates the item was destroyed at the store.
ITEM NOT FOUNDIndicates the item was displaying in stock but an associate was unable to locate the item.
SHOPLIFTING INCIDENTIndicates the items are no longer available due to shoplifting.
MARKETINGIndicates the item is being used for marketing purposes and no longer available.
MISSING UNITS SHIPMENT/TRANSFERIndicates the item was supposed to be a part of a shipment or transfer but wasn’t received.

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