The Handoffs feature filters store pickup orders enabling store associates to find and change orders with the Awaiting Pickup status to Picked Up or Canceled. A handoff order displays in the customer pickup table after a fulfillment for a Buy Online Pickup in Store(BOPIS ) order is marked as completed.

Filtering Customer Pickups

You can search for a specific pickup order by entering the Order # in the search bar.

Customer pickups can be filtered by pickup status. After you select a filter, the customer pickup table is automatically updated.

To clear all filters, click the Refresh button. The customer pickup table is updated and all filters are cleared.

Customer Pickup Table

The customer pickup table displays all the handoff orders for a particular store. By default, this table displays the most recently created orders with the Awaiting Pickup status.

The table only displays the handoff orders for the store in the last 30 days. Older handoff orders must be filtered using the Order # in the search field.
Order #A unique order identifier assigned to an order during checkout.
StatusThe current pickup status for an order.
TagsAn optional tag assigned to the order, such as gift wrapping.
Order DateThe date the order was placed in the month/day/year format.
Customer NameThe first and last name of the customer.
Pickup ByThe last day for order pickup to avoid cancellation, as specified in your company’s terms and conditions.

Customer pickup statuses

Awaiting PickupThe order is ready to pickup and the customer is notified.
Picked UpThe customer picked up the order. When an orders status is changed from Awaiting Pickup to Picked Up, a timestamp is added indicating the pickup date in month/day/year format.
CanceledThe order was canceled at the request of the customer or it exceeded your policy pickup window.

Viewing pickup details

Clicking an order displays the pickup menu with details, such as the customer’s name, phone number, email, items, and a list of packages. You can expand item details by clicking the arrow next to the item.

NameThe customer’s first and last name.
PhoneThe customer’s primary phone number.
EmailThe customer’s primary email address.
ItemsThe Items field displays a list of items containing the item name, quantity, image, SKU, and tags associated with the item. Expanding an item displays a larger image of the item with its SKU, Size, and Color.
PackagesThe Packages field displays all the packages in the order and their sizes. Expanding a package displays the items in it.

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