
Packing items is the second step in the fulfillment process. It involves taking the items that have been picked for a customer’s order and packing them for either shipment or pickup.

It can be done with or without a scanner.

Packing Items (with scanner)

Select a parcel to begin packing items, and a Scan to pack items popup will appear.

Scan each item in the order.

Once all the items are scanned, their quantity tags turn green. Click the Done button at the bottom of the popup to save the changes and add them to the parcel.

Packing Items (without scanner)

After all items in the order have been picked, the Pack button at the bottom of the page becomes enabled. Click it to begin packing the order.

The Parcel Size popup opens with a list of available parcels along with their dimensions. Choose a parcel and click Select to continue or Cancel to exit.

Upon clicking Select, a notification appears at the top of the page letting you know the parcel has been added. In addition, the Parcel Size popup closes and the Scan to pack items popup opens.

In the packing stage, two new options are added to the dropdown that’s accessed by clicking on the ellipses button at the top-right: Add Parcel and Start over. Note: The options in this dropdown stay the same throughout the Pick, Pack, and Ship process, but depending on the step in the process, some options are disabled.

Print pick list: Print the list of items as a PDF

Click Add parcel and the Parcel Size popup reopens. Choose a parcel and click Select to continue or Cancel to exit.

Click Start over and the Do you want to start over? popup appears. Click Yes, delete all & start over to unpack all items and clear selections for any parcels. Click Cancel to exit the popup.

Parcels Menu

The Parcels section contains all of the parcels you have added to an order.

Click the ellipses at the top-right of a parcel to open the parcel options.

  • Scan into parcel opens the same Scan to pack items popup that’s accessible by simply clicking on the parcel.
  • Manually add items opens a popup with all items picked for the order with corresponding counters that allowing for manual adding and subtracting from the parcel. Click Done to save or Cancel to exit.

Select Clear parcel content to remove all items added to the parcel. The Do you want to proceed? popup appears. Click Yes, clear contents to continue or Cancel to exit.

Select Change parcel type/size to reopen the Parcel Size popup. Choose a parcel and then click Select to continue or Cancel to exit.

Choose Remove parcel to delete the parcel and all of the items added to it. The Do you want to proceed? popup will appear. Click Yes, remove parcel to continue or Cancel to exit.

Click on the Click to scan items into parcel link within a parcel and the Scan to pack items popup will appear.

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