The Sales Dashboard page in fabric Analytics provides a simple and intuitive interface to monitor key performance metrics of your e-commerce operations.

This topic covers a brief overview of the sales reports and their calculations.

Sales Dashboard Reports

The Sales Dashboard displays the following sales data:

To view the data for a specific timeframe, use the filters. To view the data for specific SKUs, use the Search with SKU option.

Gross Demand

The Gross Demand report helps in understanding the market demand for your products over a period.

It’s calculated as the sum of original order totals. (\(\sum \text{{originalOrderTotal}}\)), where Original Order Total refers to the total value of an order when it was initially placed, before any returns, discounts, or other adjustments.

Gross Demand Trend

The Gross Demand Trend, a line graph, shows the fluctuation in market demand for your products for a selected period.

Net Sales

The Net Sales report provides insights into your profitability after cancellations, returns, and refunds.

It’s calculated as the sum of invoice totals. (\(\sum \text{{invoiceTotal}}\)). The invoiceTotal must be greater than zero and invoiceType must be set as Shipping.

Net Sales Trend

The Net Sales Trend, a line graph, shows the fluctuation in your profitability for a selected period.

Gross Average Order Value (AOV)

The Gross Average Order Value report helps in measuring your customer’s spending behavior in your store over a period. The Average Order Value (AOV) is a crucial indicator of the overall effectiveness of your sales strategies.

It’s calculated as the sum of original order totals divided by the total number of orders.
(\(\frac{\sum \text{{originalOrderTotal}}}{\text{{total\_orders}}}\)).

Average Order Value (AOV) Trend

The Average Order Value (AOV) Trend, a line graph, shows the fluctuation in the average spending per order for a selected period.

Shipment Value

The Shipment Value report helps you track the total revenue from shipped orders over a period, before any returns or cancellations are made.

It’s calculated as the sum of invoice totals. (\(\sum \text{{invoiceTotal}}\)), where the invoiceType is Shipping.

Shipment Value Trend

The Shipment Value Trend, a line graph, shows the fluctuation in the total value of shipped orders for a selected period.

Orders Shipped

The Orders Shipped report helps you assess the operational efficiency of fulfilling orders and the scale of deliveries completed over a period.

It’s calculated as the count the unique order numbers for items in cartons. \(Count(Unique(cartons[].items[].orderNumber))\), where, the shippedQuanity of an item in the carton must be greater than zero.

Orders Shipped Trend

The Orders Shipped Trend, a line graph, shows the fluctuation in the number of orders dispatched for a selected period.

Average Unique SKUs Per Order

The Average Unique SKUs Per Order report shows the average number of unique items per order over a period. It helps in understanding the diversity of products purchased from your online store.

It’s calculated as the average number of unique product SKUs per order by dividing the total count of unique SKUs across all orders by the total number of orders. (\(\frac{\text{{CountOf(Unique items[].sku) per order}}}{\text{{total\_orders}}}\)).

Open Orders

The Open Orders report provides insights into the number of unfulfilled orders over a period.

It’s calculated as the count of orders where the sum of shipped and cancelled quantities for each item is less than the ordered quantity of that item. \[\text{Count}(\{orders\})\], where the combined quantities of shipped and cancelled items, must be less than the total quantities of items ordered.

Average Quantity per Original Order

The Average Quantity per Original Order report helps measure the average number of items in an order over a period, before any modifications are made. This report provides insights into purchasing behavior and on how many products, on an average, customers are buying in a single transaction.

It’s calculated as the average quantity per original order by aggregating the quantities ordered across all transactions and dividing by the number of orders. (\(\frac{\sum (\text{items[].orderedQuantity})}{\text{total\_orders}}\)\)

Filtering Sales Data

  1. In the left menu, click Analytics > Sales Dashboard. The Sales Dashboard page is displayed with sales data.

  2. Select one of the following filter options:

    • Last 7 days: Displays data for the last seven days. This is the default setting.
    • Last month: Displays data for the previous month.
    • Custom data: Displays data based on the custom data range. You can specify the start date in the From field and the end date in the To field.

Searching with SKUs

  1. In the left menu, click Analytics > Sales Dashboard. The Sales Dashboard page is displayed with sales data.
  2. Specify one or more SKUs in the search box and click Enter. The sales data is shown for the specified SKUs.