Manage information about your business and its operations.
To access Supplier Settings, click your account name in the menu at the top of the page. In the dropdown menu that appears, select Supplier Settings.
Use the tiles on the Supplier Settings page to manage everything from general information and user privileges to API clients and webhook settings.
General Information
Key details
Manage general information about your business.
- Name: The name of your business as it appears in fabric Dropship.
- Website URL: Your business’s URL.
- Connections Manager: The key contact for all supplier business inquiries.
- Merchandising Manager: The contact person for all product & inventory inquiries.
- Transactions Manager: The contact person for all order and fulfillment inquiries.
Business address
Manage your business’s physical location information.
Currency Settings
Currency Settings is used to manage the currency of your account.
Use the dropdown menu to select your business’s primary currency. This will help Dropship apply location-specific configurations such as a product’s cost and price. Supported currencies include United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, British Pound Sterling, and Euros.
Dropship supports real-time push notifications so that you can receive alerts related to transaction events.
To enable a notification, enter an email address or a distribution list, then use the toggle menu to set the notification to Enabled or Not Enabled.
Types of Transaction Notifications:
- Connection Notifications: Notifications related to your connections and connection notes.
- Order Received: Notifications when a new order is received.
- Order Canceled: Notifications when a cancellation request is received.
- Order Ship To Address Updated: Notifications when a “ship to” address change request is received.
- Message Received: Notifications when a new message is received on an orders.
- Return Received: Notifications when a new RMA is created on an order.
- Return Approved/Rejected: Notifications for when RMAs are approved or rejected.
In addition, Digest Notifications allow you to receive daily, aggregated reports on any late purchase orders.
Use the Branding menu to upload your business’s logo. The uploaded logo is displayed to your partners throughout the fabric platform and included on your packing slip.
To upload a logo, click Upload From Device.
Select a file from your computer.
Update the preview by clicking and dragging the preview to zoom, pan, and crop the image.
Click Save.
Payment Settings (Staff Only)
Connect your bank account to your fabric Dropship profile for automatic payments through Plaid. Click the Open Plaid button to begin the setup process within Plaid.
Inventory Settings
Register and update fulfillment and inventory locations.
Inventory tracking
Inventory Tracking is used to configure how fabric tracks your inventory by choosing between Managed or Unmanaged.
- Managed: fabric tracks and shares inventory positions with your retail partners. Managed inventory is automatically updated when orders ship, inventory is updated, or new proposals are sent. If you are using an integration to manage inventory, it will automatically be refreshed through your integration.
- Unmanaged: fabric won’t track inventory for any items. The fabric platform will assume all items listed in your inventory are always in stock.
Once you’ve made your selection, click Update to save your changes.
Fulfillment locations
Manage the locations you stock with inventory and fulfill orders from. These locations are only used for shipping and carrier services and aren’t synched with warehouse locations. There is no limit to the number of locations you can add.
To add a new location, click Add Location.
Fill out the fields in the window that appears.
Click Add Location.
To make changes to a location you’ve already created, click its corresponding Edit button.
User Management
Invite new users and manage existing ones.
Creating a new user
To add a user to the account, click Add New User.
Enter the new user’s first name, last name, and email address.
fabric sends them an email with instructions to activate their user account.
Editing a user
To edit a user’s account information, find and click their name on the User Management page.
The General Settings section allows you to edit basic profile information that identifies the user across the fabric platform. Use the Status dropdown menu to change the account between Active, Suspended, and Invited. Once complete, click Update.
The Role section allows you to configure a user’s access level. Click Add Role to assign a user a new role. To edit a user’s existing role, click the role and the Update Role window appears. Select a new role for the user in the dropdown menu and click Save Role.
Security Credentials allows you to give the user a new temporary password. Use the New Password and Confirm Password fields to create their new password. Upon logging in, the user is required to change their password.
Security Info shows details from the last time the user signed in to fabric.
API Clients
Manage API keys for your account.
Adding a new API Client
To add a new client, click Add API Client.
Provide a client name.
Click Create Client.
After the client is created, you will be able to retrieve their credentials.
Accessing client credentials
To access a client’s credentials, find and click their name on the API Clients page.
The Client Credentials section shows the name you gave the client, their API URL, their Brand ID, and Client ID, along with the Client Secret.
To access the client secret, click Get Client Secret.
Click Show API Secret.
The API secret is displayed along with a copy button so that you can save it.
If you need to access the client secret again, please submit a support ticket.
Manage existing integrations associated with your account and add new ones.
fabric Dropship supports integrations with other e-commerce services, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, ShipStation, and more.
Adding an integration
Basic setup for integration with third-party platforms consists of clicking on the Add Integration button at the top-right of the page. In the Add Integration window that appears, click the Add button next to the platform you’d like to integrate with. From there, integrating with each platform is different, but setup includes information like the API Key, API Secret, or Store URL.
For specific setup instructions for each platform, please see the following documents:
Integration Options
Existing integrations appear on the Integrations page below the Add Integration button.
To manage an existing integration, find and click its corresponding Options menu. The options in the window that appears are shortcuts to edit settings within the integration. See the platform-specific setup instructions above for more details.
Webhooks (Advanced)
Configure webhooks and review webhook history.
Configuring webhooks
Configure webhooks to listen to key events from the fabric platform.
To add a new webhook, click Add Webhook.
- Item Inventory updated
- Offer Created
- Order Created
- Order Closed
- Shipment Closed
- Cancel Created
- Invoice Created
In the Method field, select post, put, or patch.
In the URL field, enter the webhook URL.
In the Status field, select whether the webhook is Enabled or Disabled.
Click Add Webhook.
Webhook history
Review recent webhook results.
Proposal Departments
Visit the Proposals page to learn more about Proposal Departments in fabric Dropship.
Creating a proposal department
To create a new Proposal Department, click the Create button at the top-right of the page and fill out the fields in the Create Department window that appears.
- Name: Give the Department a name.
- Product Import Template: select from fabric’s default templates or a template you created.
- Supplier Ruleset: Select the attribute validations that suppliers must meet.
- Retailer Ruleset: Select the attribute validations that you must meet.
- Sample Template URL (optional)
Attribute Value Transformers
Visit the Transformers page to learn more about Attribute Value Transformers in fabric Dropship.
Creating a transformer
To create a new transformer, click Create Transformer.
Provide a transformer name.
Click Save.
Editing transformer attributes
To add a new Transformation Attribute, click in the search field in the Transformation Attributes section.
A list of all attributes will appear. Search through the list of attributes or begin typing the name of the attribute you would like to add.
When you find the desired attribute, click it to add it to the list of your transformation attributes.
Attributes you’ve added will appear in a list below the search bar.
Clicking on an attribute you’ve added takes you to the Edit Transformations page to make changes.
The Attribute Settings section allows you to update the attribute for the transformation.
Click the Edit button to search for a different attribute.
Click Update when finished.
The Transformation Settings section allows you to configure transformations for the attribute.
Enter an Attribute Value Match and a Transformation Output Value and click Create.
The attributes you create in the Transformation Settings section will appear in the Transformations section below.
Edit an attribute by clicking on its corresponding Edit button.
In the window that appears, you can give the attribute a new Attribute Value Match and a new Translation Output.
Click Update when finished.
Product & Inventory Templates
Create and manage product and inventory templates.
Creating a new template
To create a new template, click Create Template.
The create template page is displayed.
In the name field, provide a template name.
In the data type field, select the templates data type, and choose whether this template imports to Dropship, or exports from Dropship.
Click and drag a test file from your computer to the Sample File field.
This field is used by fabric to check and make sure column headers are correctly formatted. After a test file has been uploaded, the Column Mappings section appears.
For each column in your file, you can map it to the closest available attribute. Use the Priority column to rank the Column Headers by importance.
Click Save Template.
Editing a template
To access a template, click the Template page.
In the template list that’s displayed, click a template.
The template settings menu is displayed.
In the Name field, provide a name for the template.
In the Data Type field, select a data type.
In the Direction field, select a direction.
Click Update Template.
Template mappings
The Template Mappings menu allows you to review the template columns.
To edit an existing Column Header, click its title.
The Edit Template Mapping Style Name window is displayed.
Optionally update the following fields:
- Column Header Name
- Platform Attribute
- Target
- Priority
Additionally, you can mark whether a column is required or not.
- Click Save.
Create a new template mapping
To add a new mapping, click Add Mapping at the top-right of the Template Mappings section.
Optionally fill out the following fields:
- Column Header Name
- Platform Attribute
- Target
- Priority
Additionally, you can mark whether a column is required or not.
- Click Save.
Shipping Accounts
Create and manage Shipping Accounts
Adding a shipping account
To add a new shipping account, click Add Shipping Account.
The Add Shipping Account window appears.
In the Nickname field, give shipping account a nickname.
In the Carrier field, select a shipping provider.
Click Save & Continue.
Configure subscriptions and review available resources.
The Subscriptions page shows an overview of RevCascade’s tiered subscription plans. Click the Subscribe button to open the payment portal in a new window.
Terms of Service
Review the Terms of Service from fabric Dropship.
Click the fabric Dropship Supplier Agreement link to open a PDF of the Terms of Service in a window.
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