fabric Product Catalog API supports CRUD operations related to Product Catalog. This service is designed to provide low latency reads and search functionalities for the storefront. It supports event-driven updates to ensure the data is always up-to-date without manual intervention, efficient cache management for faster data retrieval, and scalability to handle high volumes of traffic.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you get started with fabric Product Catalog API, from initial setup to basic usage.

Target Audience

  • Solution Integration (SI) partners responsible for configuring the Product Catalog for e-commerce.
  • Third-party developers who set up Product Catalog on behalf of merchants.
  • The fabric developers who work with Product Catalog.

Knowledge and Skill Requirements

The target audience should:

  • Understand REST APIs, in the context of e-commerce.
  • Get familiar with fabric APIs.
  • Know the concepts related to Product Catalog.
  • Understand caching strategies and technologies.
  • Have access to development tools capable of interacting with HTTP-based APIs, such as Postman or cURL for testing.

We also recommend you to:

  • Maintain a list of attributes that need to be assigned to products and categories.
    • Identify the mandatory and optional attributes.
  • Develop a strategy for organizing products within a hierarchical tree structure of categories and collections.
  • Create a product list consisting of individual items, variants, and bundles of items and variants.

For additional information, refer to the following:

  • Product Catalog FAQs.
  • Sample store to view the given product organization.
  • User guide for Product Catalog in Copilot.
  • API reference for all operations related to attributes
  • API reference for all operations related to categories.
  • API reference for all operations related to collections.
  • API reference for all operations related to products based on SKU or product ID.