
Categories are hierarchical tree structures that allow you to organize items, variants, and bundles into groups based on similar attributes. This document covers the process of adding attributes to categories, renaming categories, and deleting categories.

Adding Product Attributes


Item attributes are the attributes that an item, also called a product, must have configured in order to be added to a category.

Individual item attributes are set up in the Attributes section. Those product attributes can then be added to a category using the procedure below.

As an example, a home décor company might have a category for rugs and want to require any items added to that category to have length and width information. The attributes for dimensions would be set up in Product Catalog > Attributes > Product and then added to a category in Product Catalog > Categories.

It’s required to set up a category’s product attributes prior to adding any items to it. If a category is missing item attributes, no item can be created for that category.


  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Mouse over the desired category and click the vertical ellipses () at the right.
  3. Click Product attributes.
    The Product attributes menu is displayed.
  4. Click the Add Product Attributes dropdown.
    The dropdown displays a list of category attributes as created in Product Catalog > Attributes > Product.
  5. To add an attribute, click its corresponding checkbox.

Note that system-mandatory attributes are separated for easier management. These attributes are shown by default, but need to be saved so that you can add to the category.

You can add as many attributes as needed up to a maximum of 60 attributes per each session. If you want to add more attributes, you must click Save and repeat this step.
6. (Optional) To the right of a product attribute, click the vertical ellipses () and do the following:

  • To make the attribute mandatory, click Make attribute mandatory.
  • To remove the attribute, click Remove attribute.
  1. Click Save.

The category attributes you selected are applied to the category and all its subcategories.

Adding Category Attributes


Category attributes allow you to apply a group of attributes to your category hierarchy. These attribute groups are set up in Product Catalog > Attributes > Category.

You can apply category attributes at the root level of your category hierarchy or at the subcategory level.

Subcategories inherit the category attributes applied to the parent category unless you select a different group of category attributes at the subcategory level.


  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. On the desired category click the vertical ellipses () at the right. To apply category attributes to the entire category hierarchy, click the vertical ellipses to the right of the Root menu.
  3. Click Category attributes.
    The Category Attributes menu is displayed.
  4. Click the Add Category Attributes dropdown. The dropdown menu displays a list of category attributes that are created in the Product Catalog > Attributes > Category page.
  5. To add an attribute, click its corresponding checkbox.
    You can add up to 60 attributes per session. To add more attributes, you must click Save and repeat this step.
  6. Click Save.

The category attributes that you selected are applied to the category and its subcategories.

Removing Attributes from Category

You can remove category attributes at the root level of your category hierarchy or at the subcategory level.

With the following procedure, you can remove one attribute at a time. To update or remove multiple attributes at once, import an attributes CSV file for categories. The import process overwrites existing data, so any attributes not included in the file will be removed.

Removing a category attribute

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis () on the right of the category that you want to modify. To remove category attributes from the entire category hierarchy, click the vertical ellipsis () next to the Root menu.
  3. Click Category attributes.
    The Category attributes window is displayed.
  4. In the Category Attributes section, click the vertical ellipsis () next to the attribute you want to remove.
  5. Click Remove attribute.
  6. Click Save.

The category attribute is removed from the category.

Removing a product attribute

Product attributes inherited from a parent category can’t be removed at the subcategory level. To remove them, you must remove them from the parent category.
  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Find the category you want to modify and click the vertical ellipsis () on the right.
    To remove product attributes from the entire category hierarchy, click the vertical ellipsis () next to the Root menu.
  3. Click Product attributes.
    The Product attributes window is displayed.
  4. In the Product Attributes section, click the vertical ellipsis () next to the attribute you want to remove.
  5. (Optional) If the product attribute is mandatory, click Make attribute non mandatory.
  6. Click Remove attribute.
    If you can’t click Remove attribute, ensure that the product attribute isn’t inherited or mandatory.
  7. Click Save.

The product attribute is removed from the category.

Viewing Items in a Category

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Click the vertical ellipses () at the right of the desired category.
  3. Click View Items.

The list of all items belonging to the selected category and its subcategories is displayed.

Renaming a Category

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Click the vertical ellipses () at the right of the desired category.
  3. Click Rename.
  4. Enter a new name.
  5. Press Enter.

The category name is updated.

Deleting a Category

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Categories.
    The Categories page is displayed.
  2. Click the vertical ellipses () at the right of the desired category.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Yes, Delete.

The category is deleted.