
A price list is a collection of items and their assigned prices. By subscribing to priceList events, as merchants, you can get event-specific information, including the price list ID.
The following table details the various priceList events along with the example responses:


Event TypeDescriptionExample Response
offers:priceList:createdThe event is triggered when a price list is created.{ "specversion": "v1", "type": "offers:priceList:created", "tenantid": "63a123070cf218e178efda30", "events": \[ { "id": "0076064a-695e-43ac-b004-17802ed186ac", "time": "2023-06-01T13:29:40.000Z", "source": "offers:business-layer", "subject": null, "data": { "eventName": "PRICELIST", "status": "CREATED", "id": 100001, "callbackUrls": \[ "https://stg02.copilot.fabric.inc/api-offers/priceList/100001" \] } } \] }
offers:priceList:deletedThe event is triggered when a price list is deleted.{ "specversion": "v1", "type": "offers:priceList:deleted", "tenantid": "63a123070cf218e178efda30", "events": \[ { "id": "0076064a-695e-43ac-b004-17802ed186ac", "time": "2023-06-01T13:29:40.000Z", "source": "offers:business-layer", "subject": null, "data": { "eventName": "PRICELIST", "status": "DELETED", "id": 100001, "callbackUrls": \[ "https://stg02.copilot.fabric.inc/api-offers/priceList/100001" \] } } \] }
offers:priceList:updatedThe event is triggered when a price list is updated.{ "specversion": "v1", "type": "offers:priceList:updated", "tenantid": "63a123070cf218e178efda30", "events": \[ { "id": "0076064a-695e-43ac-b004-17802ed186ac", "time": "2023-06-01T13:29:40.000Z", "source": "offers:business-layer", "subject": null, "data": { "eventName": "PRICELIST", "status": "UPDATED", "itemId": 1684471584, "itemSku": "DS SD S", "priceListId": 100001, "callbackUrls": \[ "https://stg02.copilot.fabric.inc/api-offers/price/DS SD S/priceList/100001?type=itemSku" \] } } \] }