Delete product by ID
To keep the product list (catalog) up to date and current, it’s important to remove products that are discontinued permanently. With this endpoint, you can delete a product (Item, Bundle, or Variant) by ID. Using deleteVariants
as query parameter, you an optionally specify if you want to delete the associated variants as well. Note: If you don’t have product ID, use the corresponding SKU-based endpoint - DELETE /products/sku/{sku}
S2S access token (JWT) from fabric Identity service (during Login)
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
Unique request ID
Path Parameters
24-character system-generated product ID
Query Parameters
true(default): Delete variants of the product <br /> false: Don't delete variants of the product and make them regular items. <br /> Note: This parameter will have no impact if the status
Determines the version of the product applicable for this operation (endpoint action). <br /> 1. If the status is 'DRAFT', this operation will only impact the Draft version of the product, if it exists. <br /> 2. If the status is 'ALL', this operation applies to both the Draft and Live versions of the product.
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