New Features

Independent Price Bulk Upload

You can now import new products to Product Catalog and prices to Offers in parallel. If a new product is imported to Product Catalog at the same time as its associated pricing file is imported to Offers, Fabric automatically queues the prices that do not have an associated SKU yet created in Product Catalog and retries the SKU lookup until the product is successfully created in Product Catalog. No more file sequencing between Product Catalog and Offers.

Calculated Price Export

Ability to export the calculated price for 1 or more products, including eligible sale and promotion discounts. The exported file will include:

  • SKU
  • Price list ID
  • Cost
  • Sale price
  • Base price
  • Price Start Date
  • Price End Date
  • Calculated price
  • Promotion IDs
  • Promotion message: PDP
  • Promotion message: PLP

Products can be queried by:

  • calculationTime

Price Filters:

  • Price list: Users should be able to specify the price list for which the price belongs and export the calculated price accordingly.
  • PriceType: Users should be able to specify the priceType with base or sale and only export the calculated price for those accordingly.

Calculated Price Export