New Features


You can now exchange items for the same item in a different size or color, exchange one of two items for a different item, and exchange an item for a different item. The difference in cost is automatically calculated. For more information, see the Exchange Orders Guide.

Order Appeasements

By creating an appeasement refund, you can issue discretionary refunds. The appeasement option for an order is enabled only after the payment process is initiated for the order. Orders with the Fraud status cannot be appeased. For more information, see the Order Management Appeasements Guide.

Order Details

  • Added return metrics to the order total summary to represent the total refund amount.
  • Updated the progress steps for item groups and split shipments to display shipping groups separately.
  • Added the ability to preview an item’s individual attributes.

For more information, see the Viewing Details of an Order - Basic Details section.

Order Details Shipments Tab

Added an additional order details shipment tab to display item details such as shipped quantities.

For more information, see the Viewing Details of an Order - Shipment Details section.

Order Details Activity Log

Added an additional order details activity log tab to display the history of changes for an order.

For more information, see the Viewing Details of an Order - Viewing Activity Log section.

Copilot Enhancements


Added the ability to mark return, exchange, and cancellation policies as default. Additionally, added the ability to apply a policy to all your configured channels.

For more information, see the Policies Guide.

Error Handling

Added additional error handling banners. When an order has errors such as missing customer details, an error banner appears. Clicking the banner opens a window with the error details and how to fix the errors.

New Order Searching & Filtering

The Manage Orders page displays a list that includes every order. This list can be filtered by Order Status, Order Date, Order Total, and Channel so that the list only displays orders that match the filter parameters. Additional search and filter parameters down to the attribute level have been added.

For more information, see the Filtering Orders Guide.

Added Additional Order Line Statuses

Two new order line statuses were added: PENDING_ALLOCATION and PENDING_REALLOCATION.

Inventory Activity Log

The Inventory Activity Log can now be sorted and filtered.