New Features

Enhanced compatibility check error handling

  • Ruleset Error Report: Each proposal’s compatibility check returns an error report file. This report includes all SKUs and an itemized list of errors corresponding to them.
  • Ruleset Failure Report: A separate file is generated for items that encountered errors during the compatibility check. You can address these specific items and re-import them without re-processing the entire proposal.

Improved import error handling

  • A List of SKUs: For every import with one or more errors, an error report file is generated. This report includes all SKUs and provides an itemized list of errors corresponding to each SKU.
  • A Template with Only Errored Items: A separate file is generated that includes only the items with one or more errors. This allows users to fix these specific items and re-import them without needing to handle the entire original file again.

Fabric Integration

If you are a merchant using Dropship with other Fabric products such as Catalog or Orders, you can set up integration workflow and configurations on the UI. This enables you to create and update multiple templates for publishing products to Fabric Catalog.

Template Cloning

Templates can now be cloned with a single-click action on the template details screen, making it easier to duplicate existing templates.

Shopify Integration

  • Fraud Order Protection: Retailers can now specify whether they want to import orders flagged as High or Medium risk by Shopify.

  • Variant-Level Metafields: Retailers can now publish Metafields and their values at the variant level. Previously, only products could include Metafields.

  • Additional Metafield Types: Added support for additional Metafield types such as multi_line_text_field, boolean, URL, and date_time.

  • Customizable Order Notes: Order notes can now be customized to include the “Fulfill By” date.

  • Data Override on Publish: Any publish to Shopify actions by retailers now override the data for products and variants in Shopify with the data in Dropship. Empty attributes are not sent.

  • Shopify integration guide

Address fields

All countries and their provinces are now available to be added in all address fields across the platform.

Order Bulk Utility Tool

The new bulk order utility tool allows suppliers to manage orders using a CSV import. You can cancel orders for the following use cases:

  • Cancel Entire Orders by PO Number
  • Cancel specific order lines by SKU
  • Cancel all order lines of specific SKU

Retailer Assets

Retailers can now make their playbook and other assets available to all supplier partners through the portal. They need to share the assets with the Fabric team, which can upload them on their account and suppliers will be able to access them on the connection details page.