Bulk export email

July 2022

When Export of Items or Attributes in Product Catalog is selected from Bulk Actions, a notification appears confirming the action. Upon completion, the system will send an email to the user.

Users can now perform item attribute mapping using Product Catalog APIs. Previously, this function was only available in Copilot.

Change Category Node

June 2022

Users can now change an item’s category node using only APIs. This removes any dependency on Copilot.

Attributes Groups and UI enhancements

March 28, 2022

This release contains an enhanced interface for interacting with the Items and the Bundles pages and introduces the concept of Attribute Groups

Introduction of Attribute Groups (Settings): Attribute Group enables users to create collections of attributes. Use cases include grouping the attributes based on owners of item data along the value chain (e.g. manufacturing, marketing, etc.), grouping the attributes based on business workflows, and merchandising requirements.

Revised Items UI Page: Gives merchants an easily editable view of item details with collapsed attribute groups and embedded attribute value actions. Variants are also more easily manageable with their own tab.

Revised Bundles UI Page: Provides merchants an easily editable view of bundle details with collapsed attribute groups and embedded bundle item actions. Merchants can also now perform bulk import of bundles and see bundle import history.

Launch of multi-select from list of values (LOV) attribute: Merchants can now select one or more values from a LOV attribute within the Items Detail Page.

Ability to change the category: Merchants can now change the category of an item from the Items Detail Page and also in bulk actions.

Common category API to delete category nodes: Product Catalog API users can now delete Category nodes from Categories.

Category and Attribute APIs

January 24, 2022

Product Catalog now enables an end-to-end experience using only the APIs. Product Catalog users no longer have the dependency on the Copilot UI to manage categories and attributes.

These APIs provide the following functionality.

  • Create and manage Category
  • Create and manage Collections
  • Create and manage Attributes

All the APIs for all write operations have been equipped with security using an API Key.

Filters and item attributes

August 13, 2021

Filters on Item List

  • A comprehensive set of filters have been added to the Item list page.
  • You can filter the items based on their categories, date created or modified as well as all the attributes and their values.

Item Attribute

  • A new full page UI provides easier to navigate through the attribute creation process.
  • JavaScript-based formulas for calculation and validations have been introduced for all types of attributes.

Attribute and Category features

May 20, 2021

Please note that this is a release of Product Catalog 2.0 standalone application without any integration with other applications such as OMS, Offers, or Storefront. Fully integrated Product Catalog with the ability to communicate with other applications is coming soon.

Item Attributes

  • fabric Product Catalog now supports the following six data types for defining your product information: Text, Number, Boolean, Date, Sequence, and List of Values.
  • You can also configure JS formulas in certain types of attributes for calculating the values.
  • Attributes also support simple and come business validations configured using JS formula.

Category Attributes

  • fabric Product Catalog now supports the following four data types for defining category information: Text, Number, Boolean, Date

Categories: This new feature enables you to create a hierarchical structure to organize your products into different groups and categories for a variety of business use cases.

  1. Category allows you to create the anchoring tree structure that defines the relevant attributes for different categories of items to organize the product List. There can only be one category.
  2. Collections allow for the assortment of items based on multiple conditions, such as placement in category, attributes & values, then groups them together under one or many subcategories. There can be any number of Collections.


  • You can now create and manage items and variants of an item through parent-child relationships and bundles of items in Product Catalog.
  • You can define which attributes should inherit the value from parent item to variants & generate variants based on required number


  • You can create bundle of items and/or their specific variants
  • You can also define quantities for every item in a bundle

Bulk Import of Items

  • Import multiple items that belong to a single category using a template-based CSV import
  • Check the import history and errors occurred during the import
  • Export the errored items with error details to re-import with clean data

Bulk Import of Item Attributes

  • You can Import multiple attributes using a template-based CSV import
  • Check the import history and errors on individual attributes
  • Export the errored attributes with error details

Bulk Management

  • You can now select one, more, or all items and perform bulk actions
  • Delete, Export or Update items are supported with bulk actions