Adjust inventory counters
With this endpoint, you can modify inventory counters (also known as inventory positions) to maintain accurate inventory records. These counters are adjusted when new inventory is received or when an item is shipped. If the inventory does not exist, an error message will be displayed. An inventory can have multiple counters, and all counters will be updated when this endpoint is used.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
x-fabric-channel-id identifies the sales channel where the API request is being made; primarily for multichannel use cases. The channel ids are 12 corresponding to US and 13 corresponding to Canada. The default channel id is 12. This field is required.
Unique request ID
Sample request to adjust counter
Inventory counter (also known as inventory position) configured by the merchant
Represents the warehouse or store location where the inventory is stored. The locationNumber is crucial for inventory management. When creating or updating inventory, you need to include the locationNumber to specify which location the inventory belongs to.
Product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier. It serves as the primary reference key for the inventory and provides uniqueness to the item.
The fabric system-generated inventory ID. This ID is generated during inventory creation.
An attribute used to indicate that a SKU is out of stock.
Merchant-defined item ID whose inventory is updated. If omitted, fabric Inventory service generates the itemId
. If you choose to use the itemId
in your environment, you must include it in all inventory Write requests.
Inventory status IN_STOCK, LOW_STOCK, etc.
Virtual counters are calculated at run time from counters
Inventory response sample
Maximum restock inventory quantity
Time when backorder is shipped
Sales channel ID; identifies business operations location.
Merchant-defined inventory counter (also known as inventory position)
Time of inventory creation
Placeholder for additional info
Infinite inventory flag. true: Inventory can be used any number of times and does not have any consumption limit. false: Inventory can't be used infinitely, and has a consumption limit.
The fabric system-generated inventory ID. This ID is generated during inventory creation.
An attribute used to indicate that a SKU is out of stock.
Merchant-defined item ID whose inventory is created or updated. If omitted, fabric Inventory service generates the itemId
. If you choose to use the itemId
in your environment, you must include it in all inventory Write requests.
The time between when an order is placed to replenish inventory and when the order is received at warehouse.
Represents the warehouse or store location where the inventory is stored. The locationNumber is crucial for inventory management. When creating or updating inventory, you need to include the locationNumber to specify which location the inventory belongs to.
The lowStock parameter is used to alert low stock at a location when inventory is below a set number.
Code of the network to which the inventory belongs
Indicates inventory positions at network
Maximum first-shipping inventory quantity
Time when preorder is shipped
Region where inventory is managed
Reserved inventory quantity at the location
Product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) identifier. It serves as the primary reference key for the inventory and provides uniqueness to the item.
Inventory status IN_STOCK, LOW_STOCK, etc.
Inventory type - a classifier attribute that provides flexibility to define inventory types
Time when inventory was last updated
ID of the vendor who will replenish the inventory for the retailer
Virtual counters are calculated at run time from counters
Virtual counters are calculated at run time from counters
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