Update customer details for given order IDs
In many scenarios, customer details may change over time. For example, a customer might change their email, phone, or company affiliation.
By providing the order IDs and the updated customer details, this endpoint facilitates updating customer info for the given order IDs. This ensures order-related communication reaches the customer and they get timely customer service.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
A header used by fabric to identify the tenant making the request. You must include tenant id in the authentication header for an API request to access any of fabric’s endpoints. You can retrieve the tenant id , which is also called account id, from Copilot. This header is required.
x-fabric-channel-id identifies the sales channel where the API request is being made; primarily for multichannel use cases. The channel ids are 12 corresponding to US and 13 corresponding to Canada. The default channel id is 12. This field is required.
Unique request ID
Request to update customer info
Update customer info request
Order IDs for which customer information will be updated
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