In Copilot, you can view the import history, export history, and real-time progress updates for Product Catalog.

All import jobs are kept on file in your account for access later. The details of export jobs are only held for seven days.

You can view job histories only if you have performed at least one import or export operation.

Viewing Import History

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs.
    The Import tab on the Background Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Click a Job ID.
    The summary page with the following details is displayed:
    • Job type: For import history details, this is always import. Also includes information on the type of import, whether item, bundle, item variant, attribute, category, or collection.
    • Time started: The date and time the import began.
    • Time completed: The date and time the import completed.
    • Three fields with dynamic names depending on the type of import. Items is used in the following example, but depending on the type of import, the fields could be labelled item, bundle, item variant, attribute, category, or collection.
      • Item created: The number of items created as a result of the import.
      • Item updated: The number of items updated as a result of the import.
      • Items upsert with error: The number of items upserted with errors as a result of the import.
  3. (Optional) To download a copy of the original file, click Download Original File.
    A CSV file containing the import details is downloaded.
  4. (Optional) If the import job had errors, to view the error report, click Download Error Report.
    A zip file is downloaded containing the original file that was uploaded as well as a the error report in CSV format.

Viewing Export History

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs.
    The Background Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Click Export history.
    The Export history tab is displayed.
  3. Click a Job ID.
    The summary page with the following details is displayed:
    • Job type: For export history details, this is always export. Also includes information on the type of export, whether item, bundle, item variant, attribute, category, or collection.
    • Time started: The date and time the export began.
    • Time completed: The date and time the export completed.
  4. (Optional) To download a copy of the original file, click Download Original File.
    A CSV file containing the export details is downloaded.
  5. (Optional) If the export job had errors, to view the error report, click Download Error Report.
    A zip file is downloaded containing the original file that was uploaded as well as a the error report in CSV format.

Viewing Other Jobs History

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > Background Jobs.
    The Background Jobs page is displayed.
  2. Click Other.
    The Other tab is displayed.
  3. Click a Job ID.
    The summary page with the following details is displayed:
    • Product Update: Collection Evaluation: When a product is updated, all collections are evaluated to identify which collection the product will be a part of.
    • Category Update: Product Attribute: A job that’s triggered every 20 minutes (unless the account is configured for a different time period) when product attributes assigned to a category are assigned or removed.
    • Collection Update: Product Evaluation: When a collection is updated or created, this job evaluates all the rules against products and indexes all the products.
    • Product Update: Category Assignment: Users can assign products to a different category in bulk. This job tracks those bulk category reassignments on products.
    • Product Denormalization: fabric’s downstream domains, such as Orders, Offers, and Cart and Checkout, use denormalized data. This job handles all the Product Catalog events and identifies a list of products that are updated due to these events and writes the denormalized data to OpenSearch for use downstream.
    • Product Update: Publish: This job runs when you publish one or more items or bundles using the bulk publish feature. After all necessary updates are processed, the products become available across domains.
    • Product Update: Unpublish: This job runs when you unpublish one or more items or bundles using the bulk unpublish feature. It removes the products from active availability across domains.