The search, filter, and sort options on the Items page allows you to refine the list of items or find a specific item.

You can use the filter option only if you have multiple items in your list and the items belong to multiple categories and collections with different attributes and values.

To search for one or more items, do the following:

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > List > Items.
    The Items page is displayed.
  2. Type a search term into the search bar.
    When searching, keep in mind the following:
    • You can search for multiple items by typing multiple search terms into the search bar, each separated by a comma.
    • When searching for multiple items, the search terms must be exact. Partial entries yield no results.
    • In addition to typing your searches into the search bar, you can also paste them.
  3. Press Enter.
    The results are displayed.

To filter the list of items, do the following:

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > List > Items.
    The Items page is displayed.
  2. Choose at least one of the following filters:
    • Click the Category dropdown and select a category.
    • Click the Collection dropdown and select a collection.
    • Click the Date dropdown and select a date range for the date the item was created and/or the date the items were modified.
    • Click the Attributes & Values dropdown.
      • Select a value to filter by in the If field.
      • Select a Validation option.
      • Enter a value in the Value field.
      • (Optional) Click Add new condition to filter by another attribute or value. Items that match the filters you chose are displayed.
  3. Click Reset filters to remove all filters.

To sort the list of items, do the following:

  1. In the left menu, click Product Catalog > List > Items.
    The Items page is displayed.
  2. Click one of the column headers to sort the list of items.
    Sortable header is Status.

The items are sorted.