Order attributes let you create a range of custom attributes you can apply to Orders, Invoices, Locations, Networks, and more.


  • Ensure that you have Administrator or Editor privileges to fabric Orders. For more detailed information on these settings, see the Role-Based Access Control section.

Editing an Attribute

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Attributes.

    The Attributes page is displayed.

  2. In the Name column of the attribute table, click an attribute.

    The Edit Attribute page is displayed.

    Note that you can only edit the Description and Object values.

  3. To save edits to the attribute, click Save.

    The edits are saved.

Deleting Attributes

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Attributes.

    The Attributes page is displayed.

  2. In the attribute table, hover over the attribute you wish to remove and click the delete icon.

    The Are you sure you want to delete this attribute? page is displayed.

  3. Click, Yes, Delete.

The attribute is deleted and removed from the attribute table on the Attributes page.

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