Item level inventory

To access inventory positions on each item you are selling, navigate to the Products page and select Inventory within the Browse & Review section of the products page.

The Item Inventory page will provide you with a list of all items and their associated inventory positions.

You can search for an individual item or use the filters to create a specific inventory report.

All inventory reports can exported by using the Export button on the top right of the inventory page.

NOTE: if the supplier provides an estimated availability date for out of stock items, that date will appear underneath the inventory amount.

Inventory by supplier

To access inventory status by Supplier, navigate to the Products page and click the blue By Supplier link within the Inventory section.

The Inventory by Supplier page is a high level status of each of your connected suppliers. It provides the number of items associated with each of your suppliers, the number of items that are in stock, the number of items that are out of stock, and the last time each supplier submitted inventory.