Shipping methods determine how products are delivered to your customers. For example, domestic, international, free shipping, and express delivery.


  • Ensure that you have Administrator or Editor privileges to fabric Orders. For more detailed information on these settings, see the Role-Based Access Control section.

Editing Shipping Methods

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Shipping Methods.

    The Shipping Method page is displayed.

  2. In the Shipping method name column of the shipping methods table, click a method.

    The Edit Shipping method page is displayed.

  3. Make your edits.

    For more information on the shipping method fields, follow the instructions in the Creating Shipping methods document.

  4. Click Save.

The edits are saved.

Delete a Shipping Method

  1. In the left menu, click Orders > Settings > Shipping Methods.

    The Shipping Method page is displayed.

  2. Mouse over the shipping method you want to delete.

    Two icons appear, edit and delete.

  3. Click the delete icon.

    A confirmation window is displayed.

  4. Click Yes, Delete.

The shipping method is deleted and is no longer visible in the shipping method table.

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